3 | Night Nosh-Up

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"Oh, Y/n? You're back?" your mother said, glancing at the clock.

"Yes, Mom," you sighed, exhausted.

"Time really is going by really fast today," she beamed. You looked at her with a raised brow, weirded out. This was probably the first time she was talking this way—like a stupid tween waiting for her "boyfriend" to sneak into her house at 1:11 AM, as he'd promised.

"Is someone coming over today?" you guessed. Your Mom nodded.

"Yes. Oh, do you remember the Jeons? They were our family friends, but they had to move to L.A. because of their business, but now they're back permanently, and they aren't going back any sooner. And yeah, they're coming over for dinner today," she said, while you stared at her, trying to comprehend what she had just spoken.

"Well... never mind. I'll just go have some rest. I'm really tired."

"Oh, aren't you gonna have lunch?" the lady finally snapped back from her reverie and asked you. You shook your head in response and went up the stairs in your room.

| time skip / evening.

You jerked out of your bed upon hearing a shriek from your mom.

"Wake up! We have guests coming over. Help me in the kitchen, quick!"

"Mom," you whined. "Please let me sleep. Just for twenty minutes more and just five minutes after waking up, I'll be downstairs."

"They're arriving in fifteen minutes so you have no other option. Come on, twenty minutes isn't even much!"

You groaned and forced yourself out of bed. Upon getting out of the washroom after washing your face, you sauntered your way down the stairs, yawning uncontrollably.

With partially open eyes, you walked to the kitchen and asked your mom what you were supposed to do.

"All you have to do is chop fruits for the salad. Come on now, get the knife, and get on with the work, and be careful," she said while tossing the vegetables in the pan. You took a knife kept on the slab and started chopping the fruits, slowly and steadily. No matter how much you tried to keep awake, you always ended up closing your eyes and finding yourself dozing off, but every single time it went unnoticed by your mom since she was so engrossed in doing her own job.

Now, you were chopping the last fruit, a cucumber. You kept the knife's edge on its surface and held it with one hand for convenience. Your hand with the knife was swiftly moving across the cucumber's beautiful, enviable physique when you accidentally hurt your finger with the knife.

You let out a sharp, painful scream grabbing your mom's attention. She turned off the stove and came to you running.

"Gosh, I told you to be careful, didn't I? You sit on the couch, I'll bring the first aid kit," she announced before going inside her room to fetch a first aid kit, while you sat there with your finger bleeding uncontrollably.

Your mom came and sat next to you on the couch, bandaging your hand, when suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Y/n, keep the cotton on your finger. I'll be right back," she said and went to open the door. 

"Oh, good evening," she greeted the man standing at the door. You looked over to see an unfamiliar middle-aged man. He greeted her back.

"Is Mr. Shin not home yet?" he asked, entering the house.

"Well, he'll be here in just five minutes. He's probably stuck in traffic," your mom replied. You got up from the couch to greet the man.

"Good evening, uncle," you bowed down while still holding your finger.

"Well, I can't see Mrs. Jeon and your son. Haven't they come?" Mrs. Shin questioned.

"Actually, she had to find her pur—oh, here they are," he said with a smile.

A woman, who seemed to be almost the same age as the man entered. Your mom gladly hugged her.

When they pulled out, they started doing some random small talk till a tall, handsome guy came into your sight. He was dressed in black from top to bottom and looked oddly familiar.

Your eyes widened when you finally realized who he was.

The deadpan guy.

| time skip / dinner.

You and Jungkook kept passing each other looks that went unnoticed by your parents each and every time since they were so engrossed in their own chit-chats whilst having their meal with glee. You were amused by how many times you had met him already, that too "accidentally" or "coincidentally".

"Which school do you go to, child?" Jungkook's mom asked. You immediately diverted your gaze from Jungkook and smiled.

"Saebom High," you politely responded.

"Wow, what a coincidence! Our Jungkook goes there too. He just had his first day today. Did you, by chance, see him around?"

"No," you both said at once before glancing at each other and focusing on your food again.

"Well, I heard you're a good student. Can you help Jungkook? You're both the same age, right?" his mom asked again.

"I'm seventeen, I don't know what his age is, but I can surely help him," you awkwardly smiled.

"I'm seventeen, too," Jungkook flatly said. You looked and him and nodded, the awkward smile never leaving your face.

"Seems like you both have forgotten. It's alright. Maybe you two can talk with each other and get to know each other? You both will probably be great friends," your mom said. You looked at her with widened eyes. She never allowed you to hang out with a guy ever before, so why would she suddenly tell you to befriend a guy you've just met? You were baffled.

Jungkook cleared his throat and asked, "Well, where's the sink? I need to wash my hands."

Oh, just how glad you were that he said that, literally cutting the crap, or else, you would still be trapped in that labyrinth of awkwardness.

"Y/n, you're done, right? Just show him where the sink is, will you?" your dad says. You nodded obediently and turned around only to roll your eyes before guiding Jungkook.

Once you both were away from the dining table, Jungkook cleared his throat and uttered lowly,

"I have no idea why we're running into each other almost everywhere we go. Don't you think it's sort of unusual?" he deliberately said the last statement flirtatiously making you look at him all flustered.

"Uh, well, here's the sink. You can wash your hands," you guided and hurried your way toward the dining table and sat there so as to avoid any other unnecessary talks with the deadpan, sort-of-flirty guy.


edited: 13/08/23

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