19 | Reminiscing

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After a long, tiring day, you were seated beside the swimming pool after having dinner; your bare legs partially submerged in the water. The water felt rather soothing after a long day of running, standing, and having lots of fun. To calm yourself, you looked up at the night sky which had countless stars twinkling brightly. You turned around and saw Jimin and Joy talking with each other. You smiled looking at them, knowing they'd make a perfect couple together. 

"Love birds," Jungkook whispered, sitting beside you. "That tiny guy betrayed me for her. He isn't even talking to me," he pouted, making you chuckle.

"Well, same here. But they do look cute together, don't they?" you asked, looking him in the eye. He turned his head from them to you and his gaze met yours. 

"Perfect," he muttered under his breath. Your cheeks turned crimson upon hearing his words, but you couldn't believe what he'd just said. "What did you say?"

Jungkook flinched, snapping out. "I... I mean that they look perfect together. You're right," he said rapidly, his ears turning red. 

"Your ears turn red when you lie?" you inquired.

"Ye– oh," he stopped mid-way when the realization hit him. He fidgeted with his fingers. Today was the first time you'd seen him behaving so shy and nervous.

You knew he liked you. At least you were a bit sure. 

"Anyways... did you enjoy today?" you tried to change the topic. Jungkook nodded with a soft smile. "A lot. Especially at the beach," he uttered deliberately to hint you about your past, which somehow did seem to have an effect on you since you shifted your gaze from the swimming pool to him. 

"Y/n... about that friend of yours... how did he look?" Jungkook asked with a keen eye scrupulously scanning your face for a reaction. You smiled.

"I don't remember much but I've seen pictures. He was adorable. He had big eyes, thin lips, and two little bunny teeth prominent when he smiled," you fiddled with your fingers, looking down. Suddenly your lips twitched and you looked at Jungkook, scanning his face carefully. The same big eyes, thin lips...

"Jungkook, can you... smile?"

"Of course, I can," he responded wittily. You rolled your eyes at him. 

"Then show it to me," you said flatly to which he nodded dramatically like an obedient child and smiled. 

And when he smiled, your heart skipped a beat.

Not only because of its beauty, but also because it seemed rather familiar, and for some reason, you'd failed to notice it before.

The same bunny teeth.

Jungkook knew what you were thinking after he smiled. 

'What was his name? What was his name?' you attempted to recall but you failed pathetically. You remembered everything about him except for his face and how you cried when he left you for a long, long time.

"Hey, Y/n! Let's go to our room now," Joy yelled from a few meters away from you. You flinched, took out your legs from the water, and looked at Jungkook one last time before leaving. "Bye. See you tomorrow morning."


edited: 30/10/23 

𝘀𝗼𝗳𝘁 𝘆𝗲𝘁 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲. | jjkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora