7 | Sharing A Bed

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"Oh, you're back so soon?"

Jungkook looked at you with his squinted eyes and then shifted his gaze towards Joy.

"Who is she?" Jungkook asked.

"What is he doing here?!" Joy screamed making you put your index finger on her lips to shut her up.

"J-jungkook, she's Joy. Remember, the girl who was with me, back then in the... the cafeteria at school?"

"No," Jungkook plainly replied.

"Well, she's my friend. And Joy–"

"You didn't tell me you two were dating?!" Joy exclaimed once again. You looked at her with goggled eyes, denying her words.

"Because we aren't! Listen, I'll explain it to you. He's just a friend. Actually, our parents somehow happened to be business partners and they've gone on the business trip together, so we're living together for the next two weeks," you spoke rapidly while gawking at her.

"So you two are–"

"Friends, right? We're friends. Now shut your mouth and leave," you cut her off while she was still speaking so that she wouldn't blabber something embarrassing in front of him.

You held her wrist, dragged her to the door, and pushed her out of the door. She eyed you incredulously.

"And you were feeling cold right? Here, take this," You gave her your jacket. "Goodbye, take care," you cooed and shut the door right in her face.

"That was very mean, you know?" Jungkook remarked.

"She's kinda silly... sorry," you ignored his words and spoke up instead. "Anyways... are you hungry?" you tried to change the topic, plopping onto the couch.

"No," he stared at your eyes intently. 

There was an awkward silence until he finally spoke up, "Do I know you?"

"What?" you inquired, puzzled.

"I think I've seen you before. Before we met at school that day," he didn't stop staring. 

"Aha, that's not a new way to flirt, Mr. Jeon Jungkook. Try finding out new ways for that stuff," you scoffed.

"I'm not flirting. I mean it. I think I've seen you before, somewhere..."

He flinched when his phone rang. He took the phone out of his pocket and glanced at you before picking up the phone call. "It's mom," he informed you.

"Hello, mom?" he smiled as soon as she greeted him.

"Good evening, my dear son. Everything's going well, isn't it?" 

"It is," Jungkook replied.

"And I hope there have been no interactions of that kind between the two of you... I mean, I trust Y/n but you're not that trustworthy," his mom teased. 

"Mom!" he whined. "Alright... I'll be hanging up."

"Yes, and make sure to have dinner, and don't be a nuisance to Y/n!"

"Come on. It's not like I'm a child or something," he mewled. "Anyways, take care. Bye," he said and cut the call.

His gaze then traveled to the kitchen where you were cutting some onions to make food with your dad's swimming goggles on. Jungkook chuckled softly and murmured to himself,
"In love with her? Never."

| time skip / night.

"Jungkook, you sure you don't wanna eat anything at all?" you asked Jungkook once again before stepping inside your room.

"Yes. Just go and sleep. Goodnight," he said.

"If you need something, tell me—"

"Gosh, why are you acting like my mom? Darn it, we're the same age, aren't we?"

"I don't know. I'm seventeen but honestly, you look like you're fifty-seven," you joked with a grin plastered on your face.

"Haha, very funny. I'm seventeen, too," he rolled his eyes.

"You're lying, aren't you?"

With a glint of playfulness in your eyes, you decided to tease him again.

"You don't want to sleep, do you?" he uttered, irked.

"Okay then. Goodnight, grandpa. Sleep well," you laughed and went inside your bedroom.

You slowly sauntered towards your bed and as soon as you neared the bed, you plopped onto the mattress and groaned since your back hurt a lot. You had barely had any rest after Jungkook arrived. Maybe it was just better to be just home alone than have someone over when you're home alone.

You covered yourself with the duvet and closed your eyes. You lay there for a while, totally relaxed when suddenly, anxiety rushed through you when you heard a loud noise that made you literally break into cold sweats.

It was thundering.

That too at night?


You sat on the bed for a while with your lips quivering with fear, and when you didn't hear the sound again for a while, you again let yourself rest on the bed but immediately curled up into a ball when it thundered again.

You cursed under your breath and got up from the bed immediately with a pillow in your arms.

"Jungkook," you called out his name, awakening him from his sleep.

He opened his eyes and ran a hand through his hair before asking,

"How can this old man help you?"

When he said that, you recalled the moment you made fun of him, making you hesitate even more. 

"Uh—actually," you began but didn't know how to go on. What were you going to say now? That you were scared of the thunder?

How childish.

"Can I sleep with you... tonight?"

Jungkook's eyes widened when he heard your words.

"What do you mean sleep with me—!"

You facepalmed yourself.

"I was just asking whether we could share the room for tonight."

"And may I know what's the reason?" he questioned with a raised brow.

You opened your mouth to say something but the sky growled again, making you startle and sprint toward the bed and embrace him immediately.

Jungkook looked at you and spoke, "Alright. I got it. Come, let's sleep."

You let go of him with an embarrassed look but realized what he said.

"You think we're gonna sleep together?" you yelled.

"Don't worry, this old man doesn't bite," he jokingly said but you rolled your eyes.

"Do you perhaps have an extra pillow here?"


"Move," you spoke. He shifted a bit, revealing a pillow behind him. "See?"

"Now, this comes here," you placed the pillow between you two. "And no one must cross this. Alright?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm not even interested. Let's just sleep," he hushed and rested himself on the mattress.

"Alright. Since you don't want to listen," you said and slept with a grumpy face while hugging a pillow that you had placed on your side.


edited: 11-09-23

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