26 | Call It What You Want

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| a month later.

As my CSAT exams approached, I couldn't help but start getting anxious about my results. I'd studied my ass off in the past month to the point that I could barely contact my friends, or even Jungkook because when I didn't have anything to do, they were studying. I'm not the only one; everyone is stressed, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but feel alone since I have no one to talk with about this.

Today, I was meeting with Jungkook after two long weeks. I was glad until I realized we'd both have to sneak out of our houses in the evening with an excuse for group studies. Call me a good girl because I've never done something like that. 

I'd informed Joy that if she called her and asked if I was at her place, she had to say yes, or else I'd inform her crush that she likes him just the way she informed my mom that I wasn't at her place. This condition was the only reason I trusted her because she's an absolute troublemaker and she wouldn't hesitate to tell Mom that I'm on a date with Jungkook with her 'excuse' of group studies. 

Well, that just made me think... 

When was I going to inform Mom and Dad about me and Jungkook?

| time skip / 3 hours later / a/n pov.

"Hell! I don't know what to wear," you whined. You'd decided to go outside in your casuals and change your clothes in a café restroom or something, but then again, you didn't know what to wear; hence, you were whining over what to wear. 

You met him two weeks later and believed you had to look good. It was a do-or-die situation for you. 

Ten minutes later, you finally calmed down when you realized you'd chosen a good set of clothes. "Finally," you sighed. A black tank top and loose black pants paired with a white cardigan. You quickly grabbed a simple pendant in your hand and shoved it in your bag right before leaving.

"Bye, mom!" you exclaimed. Your mom took a short glance and mouthed a goodbye. The door swung open and almost immediately shut. 

Two weeks later, you thought to yourself, sighing with relief. A smile crept onto your face as you thought of him; an odd, ticklish sensation of excitement in your belly.

However, you got a reality check when you glanced at your wristwatch. 'Fuck,' you cursed to yourself and rushed to the nearest café nearby. 

You went inside the washroom, changed into your outfit, applied lip balm on your lips (didn't have enough time for anything else), and ran out at an indescribable pace. "Fuck!" you whisper-yelled, still to yourself when you saw Jungkook on his phone at the bus stop. And then you realized, you were supposed to meet at the bus stop!

"I thought I was gonna get upset with you for coming late but I didn't know that you'd look so pretty," Jungkook said while his flattering gaze scanned you from top to bottom. You smiled. "That's so cheesy," you pressed the word. Jungkook chuckled in response. "Whatever. Wanna grab some ice cream?" 

"Sure," you gladly responded. "How's studies?"

Jungkook groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Don't ask me. It's hectic. I end up sleeping after four to five hours."

You cleared your throat. "Four to five hours? Are you insane?"

"No, but–uhm, nevermind. Leave it. We're not here to talk about studies anyway," he shrugged. "You can talk about it if you want to, nerd!" he teased, nudging your arm with his elbow. You rolled your eyes, scoffing.

"I'm not a nerd. I was just concerned for you!"

"Thanks for the concern, ma'am," he chuckled mockingly. "Alright. I'm having mint chocolate, what about you?" he asked as you both reached an ice cream parlor. 

𝘀𝗼𝗳𝘁 𝘆𝗲𝘁 𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲. | jjkWhere stories live. Discover now