||𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝟒𝟕

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◦Third Person POV◦

Settling down at the filled cafeteria Bella, Harry and RoNa sat down at the last found table at the big busy hall, with their own boxes and tray of food. As they sat down Bella turned her head glancing around the hall looking for her other missing friend, along with the memories of yesterday's event.

"Where's Jenny?" Bella asks confused while she glance right at RoNa.

The black haired girls eyes went gloomy her smile slightly fading away as she stares right at her tray of food. Taking this as a signal Bella didn't questioned RoNa further more and just continued to quietly eat their own meal. Harry sat staring at the two best friends, getting familiared at the said name also confused of where the other is.

Silence filled the three only the chattering of other students around them is heard from their table. Not contented at their silence Bella decided to break the wall down, starting a conversation.

"Mm..so RoNa, what school are you about to apply to? I know that you still have your free pass from the.. The competition but asside from Seoul arts university, what schools are you thinking on taking the exams out?.." The blonde girl asked taking a gentle bite off of her salad.

Grabbing her chopsticks too, RoNa pursed her lips staring down on her own plate.

"I.. I declined the free pass, and I haven't much thought about it.. But I'll.. I'll think about it hm.." RoNa struggled and started off eating.

With a shrug the three finished off their food in silence Harry stealing some glances at the two. Jenny watched from afar not letting the threatening tears to fall off her eyes and plastered her face with a smile before walking out. Another sets of eyes were observing tables away from where the three sat, in daze and deep thought of the blonde girl before leaving the cafeteria.

Standing up from her seat Bella grabs her now packed lunch box smiling at the two.

"I'll leave you two here, see you later at class, I still have to make calls.. Byeii" Bella bids and started to walk away before getting stopped by her cousin.

"wait, just leave your box here I'll get it to your locker later.. Send the lock code!" Harry says grabbing the black bag out of Bella's hands who rolled her eyes nodding and waving off one last time.

RoNa laughed hands sneaking to cover her mouth, Harry blinks and scratches the back of his head embarrassed.

" Sorry about that.." He apologized with RoNa recovering from her fit.

"No no, it's fine it's just that you two are cute never Bella have acted like that if I remember correctly" RoNa grins as they both stood up from their seats soon following out the cafeteria.

"Well she can be a whole lot one for sure, especially when she's in her bad mood." Harry grimaced

Bella walks to the halls that was getting quieter and quieter as she walks, phone in her hand as she types in some message to Harry sending her locker code, while receiving one from madame Abbruzzese reminders of the things she will about to do today.

"I shouldn't have agreed on this.. Now I'm stuck with this jobs and school exams..." Bella sighed stopping right in front of a familiar door.

From outside a soft tune of piano played, the girl didn't notice as she was stressing out and in thoughts about her current problem. Bella opened the door and leaving it closed behind, slowly walking down the stairs lost in her own thoughts.

Seok Hoon stopped at his tracks on playing as he took a glance to whom entered before grabbing his things to leave, passing right to the other side of the guide stairs. His footsteps loud shaking out Bella from her own world and look up to the other side spotting the boy she had been meaning to talk to.

"Seok Hoon?!" She called but once again ignored

"Seok Hoon!"

"Seok Hoon!" having already enough of the silent treatment and being ignored Bella chased him through the door just once again back outside the halls grasping on his left arm to prevent him from escaping the blonde girl.

"Seok Hoon... Can we please talk?" Bella asks slightly panting at Seok Hoon who still stayed silent.

Bella stayed quiet waiting for a response eyes hopeful that the boy would talk, but to her avail he didn't.
With a sigh, the blonde girl faced him properly still holding his hand.

".. I.. I think I know what this already is, and I know that you know too.. But please hear me out, what you saw is a big misunderstanding! And if you wou-" Bella started to explain but was interrupted.

"Why won't you just get lost?!" Seok Kyung interrupted loudly her voice echoing through the silent halls.

The annoyed girl walked right beside her brother shoving away Bella from them shocked the blonde girl didn't do anything and just stared at the two siblings hurt.

"Oh... Well... Alright.."Bella gulps tearing up "I'll just.. Go"

With that Bella parted from the two heart beating rapidly hurt by their actions she started panting heavily before turning into a different direction disappearing. Seok Hoon's eyes followed Bella's back bitting his lip hesitating whether to go after her or not.

"I really wish she would just scram away.. So that she would just stop bothering us, especially you." Seok Kyung glared.

Frustrated the black haired boy pushed away from his sister turning to look at her in the eye glaring angrily at her.

"Would you shut up! I can't keep up with you anymore! I told you to stop bad mouthing her yet you wouldn't listen .. You wouldn't even let us hear her out.. Let me hear her out! What kind of sister are you! Let alone what kind of friend are you to Bella.." Seok Hoon says out loud his frustration before leaving to find Bella.

Seok Kyung scoffed to what she just heard crossing her arms before grumbling, a slight tear on her eye.

"Well I'm sorry for wanting you safe and not hurt...." Seok Kyung sniffed.

Bella ended up right on the roof top panting and closing the door behind her. Walking right on the middle before slumping down, wiping her tears away and bringing her knees up to her chest staring out the whole school yard.

"It's all my fault..." Bella mumbles already having a headache from stressing out.

"I should have told them, or at least made up a plan to get back in contact with them.. God God God I'm so stupid"

◦To be Continued◦

Hello! Peeps! Omg it's been so long🤧😢😭I can't even.. I'm stressing out nervous even... Welp this is nerve racking, I hope y'all like this comeback Chapter if it's good or not 🤧! And to all my loyal readers! Thank you thank you so much for still staying for the look out on hoping updates of this really appreciated it!

Welp I'll leave you here and write on the next chapter! Comment your thoughts on the comment box and lots of loves! 💜💙💛😋

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