☁︎Chapter ②⑤☁︎

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◦Third Person POV◦

Break time chimed 30 minutes ago with Bella spending her lunch with Jenny at the cafeteria. Words of what happened earlier at room A16 was the topic of the day, some were now terrified at Bella while some freshman students and bullied ones were relieved thankful that Bella knocked some senses to her fellow seniors.
Bella walked to the theater room alone at the halls, she pushed the two doors open quietly before peeking at the stage to see Seok Hoon already there with a smile.

Bella walked down the stairs with a small smile plastered at her face. Climbing the stage up she grabbed a clear folder from her bag before dropping it down on the ground. She walked up to the piano settling down, looking up to Seok Hoon who was watching her.

"Hey there Honnie." Bella greeted with a smile.

"Hey,Bella.. I saw what you did earlier to Minhyuk, all I want to say about that is.. Wow." Seok Hoon told making Bella chuckle.

"Yeah, about that they need to be taught a lesson.. I heard about them bullying Jenny too back then.." Bella says looking at the notes RoNa gave her to play at the graduation.

"That's cool, no one ever did that before.. Well except you and. Rona..." Seok Hoon trailed his voice getting faint at the mention of his friend.

"Heard that story from her too you know.. But anyways, I how's you and Ha Eun Byeol.." Bella muttered out not looking at him as she continues to play the notes.

"we? Um we are really nothing.. I'm just getting out information out of her.. I've been suspecting her.." Seok Hoon says as Bella nodded and chuckled.

"Wow, your playing a girl's heart now ehh?" Bella teased as Seok Hoon shook his head.

"No? Kinda? I.. I just saw her and find it odd how she doesn't remember anything.. Suspicious to when I heard from my Dad after their interrogation Ha Eun Byeol wasn't feeling well, isn't it odd how she suddenly disappeared at the announcement when I know she wanted that trophy.. "Seok Hoon ranted as Bella stared at him.

" Ohh well then sorry for asking that question.... "Bella says bitting her lips chucklinv quietly.

"Enough about this business stuff.." Seok Hoon muttered out making Bella giggle.

"What are you playing?" Seok Hoon asked walking up behind her looking at the notes in front of them.

"This? This is RoNa and mines supposed to be song, at the graduation.." Bella stated out slowing the keys she's pressing.

"it's beautiful..." Seok Hoon says with a small smile looking at Bella.

"it is..." Bella says softly.

The two continued their usual things on breaktime happily spending their time together.

Classes already finished as Bella and Jenny walked out of the room arm and arm to their own lockers, separating once they arrived at theirs. Bella opened her locker, surprised as she saw a bag of brownies with a single white rose. Looking out of her locker she glance at the almost empty halls to see no one. Shrugging she grabbed it along with her other things putting it her books as she held the brownies and rose in her hand walking to her friend.

"Hey, Jen? Did you... Put this in my locker?" Bella asked helding up the pastry and flower in her hands.

"No.." Jenny says looking curiously at what Bella hold.

"The Who?"

"Ohh, I might have an idea... So it comes with the flower right?" Jenny says teasingly as Bella nodded.

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