☁︎Chapter ①⓪☁︎

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Third Person POV◦

Three periods ended as the two new friends walk at the busy hall, arm in arm walking to find their lockers. Two girls watching from afar a smirk clearly plastered on their face, as their eyes fill with rage. Bella and Ro Na found their lockers beside each other as they started chatting, filling their lockers with their things before walking outside for Bella's lunch.

"You know i was wondering, why do you wear ballet shoes?" Ro Na asks Bella as they walk up in front of Christine.

"Just like I said earlier, I'll answer and tell it to you later. Just please be patient." Bella says taking her lunch in Christine's hands thanking her before she goes.

"ohh alright" Ro Na says pouting slightly as they walk back inside the campus.

"Hey um RoNa-sii can I see you later at class? I just have to go somewhere," Bella asks as RoNa nods a bit confused before going out their separate ways.

She walks by passing some students on the way to the quiet hall that leads to the Theatre room. She opens the door peaking if someone is there, finding no one she walks down the stairs to the stage setting her lunch box down eating her chicken and mushed potatoes peacefully.

Finishing her food she sets aside her lunch box, wiping her mouth with some tissues, before walking around the big theatre letting her food digest down. She walks around the room with a blank mind for half an hour already before sighing. She smiles lightly grabbing her phone from her blazer pockets. Browsing through her music she founds one of her favorite classical pieces of 'Claude Debussy'.

Setting the volume up, she played the 'Arabesque No. 1', dancing the dance she choreographed when she was 14 with the soft Music. As she danced she did not noticed the boy who's been watching her since yesterday, walking up to the piano that is set on the side. Sitting in front of the piano, he started playing with the music softly in a trance, as he starts playing the piano still Bella hadn't notice him too intoxicated to the playing music as she danced.

Bella danced around the stage eyes closed, as she imagined the room black, one light shining from above following her every move. The boy played and played watching her elegant moves before bowing down as he finishes the music.

Bella opens her shining eyes staring ahead her chest moving up and down as she pant from the various move as the song ended. Standing up straight looking at her right, startled at the figure sitting in front of the piano Bella held her racing heart. Eyes wide, lips parted as she stared at him.

"Joo Seok Hoon? " Bella uttered, Seok Hoon looking down at his hands as he pursed his lips.

"Hey..... Bella...." He mumbled, now looking up meeting her green eyes.

"Y-you... Y-you pl-ayed the p-piano..?...A-and you s-aw me...!" Bella says stuttering, taking a step forward.

"I.. Did... You were great there" Seok Hoon responded standing up, putting his hands on his pockets.

"I-I, Thank you..?" Bella says unsurely.

Silence fell upon the two of them staring at each other, not knowing what more to say. Bella rubs her elbow, before smiling widely shaking her head.

"You play amazing.. I didn't even realize it was my phone playing..." Bella says walking beside the piano grabbing her phone.

Seok Hoon unconsciously smiled at the girl looking down nodding his head.

"Well I hear that a lot.... But thanks.."

"So.. What were you even doing here? Your to quiet to notice... And it's a bit scarry.... No offense on that."

◦𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓢𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓼◦ [𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞] [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now