"Ha-ha. So funny guys." Dinah said and kept eating.

"Alba?" I looked behind me and saw Mari.

"You're supposed to be in bed." I said and turned towards her. "You're starting school soon. You need to get your sleeping cycle in order." I said softly.

"But I had a nightmare." She whispered and shuffled her feet.

I sighed. "Ven acá..." (Come here...) She walked over to me and hopped on the bed. I opened my arms and she snuggled into my chest as I lay on my side. "Vete a dormir." (Go to sleep.) I said and ran my fingers through her hair.

She mumbled something and before I knew it, she was asleep. "Well that didn't take long." I looked up and saw all the girls.

I almost forgot they were there.

"Yeah, she was asleep but woke up so she was halfway there." I whispered.

"Usually when my siblings have nightmares and come to me, I kick them out of the bed." Lauren said.

"And the sister of the year award goes to..." Normani did a drum roll. "Lauren Jauregui! Ladies and gentlemen!"

I chuckled quietly. "When Sofi can't sleep, I sing to her. She likes that." Camila said.

"Was I the only one that went to my parents?" Ally asked. "I never wanted to wake Brandon up so I woke my parents up instead. Plus, their bed was so much bigger."

"I always went to my parents." I looked at Dinah. "Then I got a new place."

She smiled shyly and looked down. "The baby is blushing!" Normani poked her cheek.

"Stop it." Dinah slapped her hand away but was still smiling.

"Okay, so I'm curious." Camila said and I put my attention on her. "Does she sleep like you? Mari I mean?"

"Uh," I looked down at the sleeping child in my arms. "It depends." I kept my voice quiet. "She can handle it as long as it isn't at the point like you're screaming."

She nodded. "Interesting..." She stroked her 'fake beard' as she mentioned sometime before. "So where do you think you got it from? I find it highly fascinating how one human being can sleep so much."

I shrugged. "I can stay awake if I would want to but... I prefer sleep over staying awake and tired." I smiled. "Plus, in dream world, I can do and see so many things that I couldn't do or see in real life."

Lauren had a thoughtful look on her face. "Like Dinah?"

Dinah looked at her wide eyed and slapped her arm.

I chuckled. "Exactly like Dinah." I then felt tiredness flow through my body very suddenly and I yawned.

"Are you tired babe?"

I nodded and laid my head on Mari's. "Yeah..." I mumbled. "It's almost midnight." I closed my eyes.

"Then go to sleep."

"Tell me something."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. Anything."

There was silence. "I can tell you about all the times Camila fell..." I heard a slap. "Ow! Chancho, that hurt."

I could hear the pout in Dinah's voice and I smiled tiredly. "Dinah?" I whispered.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Good luck tomorrow..."

"Thank you babe. Call me tomorrow."

"Don't I always?"

She chuckled. "Yeah... Goodnight love. Sleep tight."

Then my breathing evened out.



"Stop being a freak. Stop staring."

"She's my girlfriend, I'm allowed to."

They started bickering back and forth and I heard someone enter the room and come near the bed.

"Hello girls." Mami?

"Oh, uh... Hi." Smooth Camila.

"How are things going?"

"Things are going good. Tour again."

"I heard." I felt the covers being draped over me and Mari and lips pressing on my forehead. "I love you..." My mom whispered. "Is it okay I cut this short girls?"

"Yeah, go ahead. We have to sleep soon too."

"Good luck on your first show. I'll see you later."

"See you Mrs. Herrera."

I heard the laptop being shut and it placed on the bedside table. Then the lights were turned off and I fell asleep completely and flew into a dreamworld that had the most perfect girl I could ever imagine.

And I got to call her mine.

Dinah Jane Hansen.


Okay this chapter sucks, but I'm trying to get to a certain point in the story which I am SO excited for!

But I have this tiny bit writers block so tell me what you want :)

Bah guys!

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