As my two overgrown babies took the stage, my heart welled with joy. It's a good look, seeing them finally at peace.

Well they're peaceful for the most part because they argue my ear off and threaten to kill each other everyday.

"A pleasant evening to you all." Vladimir spoke loudly but in a way I've never heard him talk before. His voice held so much power, dominance and authority it had me trembling in my knees.

And I sleep with him every night.

"Now we all know that many of you are probably wondering how this happened. Well, I will tell you the truth." He continued.

The truth.

"It was the most unexpected thing. It even took me by surprise. You'd be frightened to know how a simple little thing can change your life." He smiled at me.

Oh, he didn't mean the whole truth.

Thank God.

"Si." Luciano agreed. "Sometimes all it takes the smallest things to unite us."

What's with them and calling me little. I am not little, I'm 5'8.

A stallion I tell ya.

A damn stallion.

After a few minutes of their heart felt speech, which was composed mostly of praising the little thing that brought along peace and power, they were finished.

There were a lot more interesting things said but that's not the point, besides I had no clue what they were talking about.

I really need to be more involved in their lives, but they both disagree. They say they're trying to protect me.

And I really don't mind, it beats getting shot in the head so I'm going to be a good girl and listen to whatever they say.

I walked over to the bar, my red dress pulling behind me and my ass swaying from side to side. I could feel a lot of people's eyes on me, they're probably wondering who the fuck I am.

Ha. I be fucking your bosses and they be fucking me.

And each other.

It's so funny when people think they know you but they actually don't.

I ordered a glass of whiskey before chugging it down and wincing at the burning sensation it left in the back of my throat. I was already feeling a little tipsy from all that champagne I drank earlier but the alcohol in my system kept encouraging me to drink more.

When I turned to leave the guy from earlier was standing right beside me. I screamed a bit but then started laughing.

"I'm sorry bella. Did I startle you?" He smiled creepily.

He's Italian.

"Yes. Is it that obvious." I chuckled before trying to step away.

Key word, TRY.

He grabbed my hand before I could get the chance. My heart dropped to my ass when he tightened his grip.

"Dance with me bella." He ordered as the music started blaring through the speakers.

I'm always getting stuck in this shit. Please Lord let Luci and Vlad come save me now.

I followed him, frantically looking around for help as he led me to the dance floor. Still holding my arm in a bruising grip.

I felt sick when he placed his hands on my body and forced my hands on his. He smiled down at me as we began to dance and I frowned.

He looks so familiar.

"So you're the pretty little thing behind the mafia merge." He whispered and my body stilled.

"What?" I pretended to be confused, his jaw ticked and his hold on me tightened.

"Don't play a fool with me bella because the consequences won't be so desiring." He warned and I froze.

He just threatened me.

"Are you threatening me." I narrowed my eyes at him and he smiled with his mouth, but not with his eyes.

"It's not a threat pretty thing." He chuckled. "It's a promise."

As I was about to give him a piece of my mind a voice stopped me.

"Get away from her you fucker." Luciano growled at the man and he laughed.

"Now son. Is that any way to speak to your father."






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