Chapter 72

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This is it!

After what happened a while ago, I immediately took Mina's hand and drive her to the best destination that they're planning to go.

While driving, there's a music background that make us bop while listening to it but you know what, I can't stop smiling how beautiful she is while humming the song that we're listening.

I hope she won't notice it and I guess she didn't mind my action until the stoplight turns to green, means that we can proceed and here we go, I tried to focus on driving.

But my inner thoughts are fighting right now.

'What if she reject me?'

'What if this is not the right time to ask?'

Those what if's is bugging me right now and whatever answer she did, it's not easy for me to accept it.


" We're here! " I exclaimed with excite feeling as her mouth agaped from the view which is in front of us.

I can't stop smiling when Mina still amazed to this place which is the lake.

" U-uhm.. I know it's simply but- " I have a hard time to make words but she cut me off.

" No! I like it! " She give me a gummy smile that everyone would like to see, especially me.

I decided to make this romantic but simple as well. It was a picnic date and my friends help me to plan this even the place which is from Kim's property.

Ever since it's my first time too here like Mina, the view didn't fail me to amazed. I will reward Dahyun after this.

After preparing, we start to eat and make a casual conversation so my nervousness would be lessen but everytime I look into her eyes, I ask myself if I can make her mine tonight?

I hate myself for being like this,  my friends and my sister would probably smack me for being negative.

We talk about the school which is very normal for us and how she really like to perform ballet even the video games, she can't stop talking on how she frustrated when she lost the game but some how, I found her adorable with this thing that she can't stop talking whenever we talk her hobbies or wants to do in her life.

We also took a selfie from her phone which made me smile and happy as well since we never had a picture or if ever we had, maybe it's a candid from our friends or it can be a memes as well.

Actually I have a hard time to ask her about on what she really feels even though they said it's obvious, still, I really want clarification about this.

" Actually I really like this takoyaki, did you cooked this or.. " She asked me before taking a bite on her food.

" To be honest, my sister help me to prepare this hehe. " After that she chuckled and uttered something that made me blush really hard.

" Cute. "

I tried to ignored the raging of my heart beat inside and focus to the beautiful view which is Mina.

The lake is mesmerizing but Mina is more than that, that's why I can't take my eyes on her.

She looks like a Goddess..

It become silent after that but it was comfortable, listening to the nature with this lake which is glistening because of reflection from the moon plus this penguin besides me.

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