“That's mean Angel! You don't want me? I'm your bestfriend, come on! I'm going to be your model for free!” the man said, but just like I said, no. Never.

“No, it's fine. I'd rather paint a dog—” he cut me off by making some childish noise. He even put both of his index fingers inside his ears while making that annoying sound.

“Stop that, I'll kill you.” I threatened.

“Roye? Why not get Roye as your model?” I froze and stop from what I'm doing after hearing what he said. Just from hearing his name, it make me feel chills down my spine.

I continue from packing my things and taking them to where they belong. “Why him?” lately, I asked. Because why would he offer Declan, when he can offer Codee first? Why Declan, but not our other friends?

Don't tell me he also found out about my feelings towards Declan?? Seriously, what is this man? Is he a detective or what?

“Why not? I mean,” he paused because he needs to munch the chips inside his sinful mouth.  “He's good looking, however I am still the best. He's athletic, and I am too. He's popular, the same as me—” I rolled ky eyes and immediately cut him off from lifting his own confidence.

“Stop! Stop! Stop! I understand. You can  stop comparing yourself to him already. Jeez.” I put my hands on both side of my waist, tilting my head a little and raising one of my eyebrows at him.

“But how am I going to approach him?” I asked as a matter of fact. How, how de carabao?

He turn his head to me and gave me a 'are you seriously asking me that question?' look, that earned a blank face from me.

”What? Just approach him naturally. If he declined, then your only choice is me—”

“Arson.” I can feel my vains twitching on my forehead because of annoyance.

“Alright, I'm stopping.” he start licking his fingers like a cat and I have to turn away because it's making me puke.

Well, this is enough.


Roye Declan's POV

“I think I'm going crazy.” I mutter in the middle of silence that's going on inside my house. I lay down on my spacious sofa, and one of my dogs Greta, the most energetic one suddenly jump on me.

The corner of my lips lifted as I stoke her fur and as she lay on top of my stomach. Her soft furs are curly and it's pure black. The only white spot you can see is the one under her body.

I turn my head to check on my other three dogs. Pepe is currently playing with his toy. Biting on it and sometimes barking at it like he's challenging the poor toy. This one's fur is white with brown spots. Siri, as usual is just silently sleeping on the corner. No one can disturb this one's slumber. Her fur is brown. No spots, just brown. And last but the biggest of them all, Jarvis my big boy. His fur are the combination of white and black. If one of my slippers are missing again, I don't even bother to react at it everytime he had it.

All of them have the same breed. Shih tzu, it is.

Well, anyway, they are not the reason why I said I thought I am going crazy.

Just A Typical Gay Story [ BxB ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora