Stop lying.

"Oh, cool." He nods.

Not cool.

The teacher walks in causing us all to face her and I couldn't be more grateful for a teacher than right now.

She begins talking about her class and whatever we are supposed to do but I don't listen. I turn my focus to the window.

I notice it starts raining.

Like one of those movies, the dramatic clip of the girl looking outside the window, rain drops scattered all over it, dark grey clouds up above.

Except it's not a movie.

It's reality and it's a bitch.

"Can you stop doing that?" My attention is drawn to Finn aggressively whispering at River as he continuously taps his pencil on the desk.

"No, it's not even that loud. Pay attention to the teacher." He tells him. He stops tapping the pencil but sighs and rubs his eyes.

"I can't when you keep doing that."

"Well I can't help it." River snaps.

"Take your fucking meds then."

"I forgot."

"Can you both shut the fuck up? Finn, leave him alone." Aspen snaps.

Finn only scoffs before turning to face the front again.

"Did you guys know penguins weight ranges from 2 to 88 pounds?"

All of us slowly turn our heads to look at River, wondering where the fuck he got that form and why he randomly knows that.

"You know that how?" I ask.

"Google?" He more like asks.

"No shit, but why do you know that?"

"Knowledge is power." He shrugs.

"You can work on this by yourself or with a partner, just make sure it gets done!" The teacher says.


Aspen comes back with a worksheet for each of us, I didn't even notice him get up.

"Thank you." I mumble looking over the worksheet.

This looks... tolerable.


Sighing, I glance over at River, "What?"

"Do you want to work together? Actually I'm not taking no for an answer. So do you know how to do number one?" He spills out, I don't even have a chance to register what he said before he points to problem one on the worksheet.

"Yes, I know how to do number one." I reply with a slight chuckle.

We scoot closer to each other and for the rest of the class we work on the worksheet together.

𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now