"The 30-Million-Year Miracle"

Start from the beginning

Mari: That is now too much! Okay, Rei-chan, I have to give you something for your band.
I think that I know what Mari meant. Mari left the living room area for one to two minutes. When she came back, she already have large familiar cases. Then, she opened it and I saw the same sparklence gun that I have.
Mari: The four of you, grab one each now.

Rei, Masuki, Chu2 and Paero: Okay!

Mari: Okay then, Rei-chan, give this sparklence gun to Rokka and Tomoe-chan give this case filled with four sparklence guns to your bandmates. Lastly, Lisa gives this case full of five sparklence guns to Poppin'Party.

Lisa, Rei, and Tomoe: Okay!

Mari: Now let's get going! No time to waste!
Very one of us stands up and rushed to exit the room. After, all of us headed downstairs as fast as we can.
(Kanan POV)
I feel so bad for Hina right now. She is been silent for the past 5 minutes. Right now, Hina is hugging her dear sister's sparklence while watching Dark Trigger destroying the area. Also, I don't like to see my hometown in chaos. I have decided that to fight Dark Trigger, but I can't fight it without someone that can look after Hina for me. Then, I turned around and I see this humanoid entity's coming in our way.
Kanan: What the hell are those?!

Hina: ...
Hina still didn't bother that surrounded her. Then these humanoid entities started to attack, thankfully because of my quick thinking skills, I grabbed my sparklence on time and then started to fire back.
Kanan: There is too many! I am screwed!

???: Kanan!!!

Kanan: Eh?!
Out of nowhere, there are two familiar people who fired shots at the humanoid entities. When I look a bit closer, it was my dear friends Dia, You-chan, and Riko.
Kanan: Guys!

Dia: We made it just in time!

You: There is no stopping now!!

Kanan: How did you guys know that I am here?!

Riko: Mari-san chatted Dia-san. Since Mari is also in the same situation right now as we.

Kanan: Really?!

You: Yeah! These entities are also appearing at the hotel as we speak!

Kanan: Thank you, guys!

Dia: Kanan-chan go! We will protect Hina-san for you!

Hina: ...

Kanan: Really?!

Riko: Yeah!

Kanan: Okay!
I turned back and faced Dark Trigger.
"Ultraman Dyna Flash Type!"

"Boot up! Solgent!

Kanan: DYNA!!!
(3rd POV)
Kanan transform to fight Dark Trigger.
Hina: K-Kanan-chan...
Back in the hotel, it was about to get crazy.

(Ran POV)
Currently running with Moca, Tsugumi, and Himari to find a safe spot to hind from these creatures like humans that are attacking everyone.
Tsugumi: Where is Tomoe?!

Ran: I don't know. I guess she is looking for Ako-san. Now, let us focus to find a spot to hide!
Then seconds later, I found a good spot to hide. But then, these humanoid creature manages to jump in front of us, and now we are currently surrounded by many.
Ran: A sh*t. This is bad!

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