Hagrid's HUt and visiting an old friend.

Começar do início

He said that while walking to Lucius. Lucius turned to look behind him then back at Albus. I let go of Hagrid and walked over to my uncle. I grabbed on to his hand and looked at him. Albu looked at me with a soft smile. 

Dumbledore: can you watch over Hogwarts while I am gone my dear?

Lizzie: I can try my best Uncle albus. 

Dumbledore: your best is always your greatest. 

Lucius looked at me one last time then began to leave. Uncle Albus let go of my hand and head out as well. I ran to Hagrid and grabbed on to his hand as well. 

Fudge: come on Hagrid. Well

Hagrid cleared his throat and began to speak. 

Hagrid: if somebody was looking for some stuff I say to follow the spiders. yep that will lead them right. 

I pat Hagrid's hand as he began to leave. 

Lizzie: I will take care of Fang Hagrid. 

Hagrd: thanks Lizzie. 

Then they were off. When I made sure they left I nodded my head. They removed the cloak. 

Ron: Hagrid is right with Dumbledore gone. there will be attack a day.

Harry went up to the window and watched the spiders crawl up it. He then went to grab the lantern. We then headed out the door. I told fang to come on. We got outside and watch the spiders. 

Harry: come on. 

Ron: what?

Lizzie: you heard what Hagrid said follow the spiders. 

Ron: they are heading to the dark forest. 

Harry began to walk a head and I began to follow. 

Ron: why spiders why could it be follow he butterflies. 

Draco: scared Weasley?

Lizzie: not now Draco. 

We then began to follow the spiders. wait spiders in the dark forest. I know a giant spider in there. we might be seeing an old friend of mine aragog. For a while we were following the spiders in the forest. I some how got to be in back of them. Ron began to say how he doesn't like this at all. We stopped for a bit and looked in the tunnel. well ron was looking around the place. 

Ron: can we go back now?

Harry: come on. 

We then went into the tunnel. They were a head of me and didn't see the medium size spider falling a bit from the ceiling. I stopped and it looked at me.

Lizzie: hello dear long time no see. you grew so big.

The spider jumped onto the floor and crawled up my front to give me a sorta spider hug. I set it down after the hug and it left. I then went after the group there I saw a giant nest of spider webs. Aragog redecorated I see. I like it. I then heard his voice. 

Aragog: who is it. Hagrid is that you?

Harry: we are friends of Hagrid.

Lizzie: do not panic. 

We heard giant movement and out came Aragog. I smiled at that. 

Harry: you're you're Aragog aren't you.

Aragog: yes. Hagrid has never sent men into our parts. 

Harry: he is in trouble. up in the school there has been attacks they think Hagrid is doing them. 

Lizzie: they think he opened the chamber like before, but that is just silly. 

I walked over to him and he looked over to me. He lift up one of his legs as he began to speak while watching me and the kids. 

Aragog: that is a lie. Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets.

Harry: then you aren't the moster?

Lizzie: no the monster was born in the castle. Aragog came to Hagrid from a distant land.

I hugged Aragog's leg I was close to. As he began to speak. 

Aragog: in a pocket of a traveler

Draco: if you aren't the monster then who is it.

Aragog: we do not speak of it it is a creature we spiders fear above all others.

Harry :but have you seen the monster

Aragog: I have not seen any part  of the castle, but only the box Hagrid put me in. The girl died in the bathroom. When I was accused Hagrid brought me here.

Ron: Harry....

Harry: what?

Ron pointed up and all three of the kids began to look around scared.

Harry: umm thanks we will be going now.

Aragog: go? I think not My sons and daughters don't harm Hagrid or miss. Lizzie, but I can not denie  them fresh meat. good by friends of Hagrid.

Ron: can we panic now. 

God damn it I saw the kids run with fang behind them. I looked to Aragog and he told me to go. I told him I will visit soon. I then ran after them. I yelled at some of the kid spiders and they stopped and left. I am so going to yell at Aragog after this. I then saw lights. I moved out of the way and out came a car and a motorcycle. Harry, Ron, Fang and Draco got into the car. I got on the bike. I pulled up to the car and pulled a spider off of Ron and set him down telling it to go home. 

Harry: GO GO!!! 

We then began to drive out of there. The motorcycle lift into the air same as the car and we began to fly back to Hagrid's hut. When we got there I knew all three of them were going to be pissed. When I landed I saw all three of them plus fang get out of the car and Ron began to yell. When I got off it was quiet. I turned and saw all three of the boys staring at me. 

Ron: you know that thing in there Professor.

Lizzie: it has a name you know.

Harry: you knew Hagrid never opened the chamber didn't you.

Lizzie: well you guys never asked me. you guys go off and do your own things. the only person who ask is (y/n) and Draco, but golden trio never ask so why tell you guys anything.

Harry: I'm your nephew.

Lizzie: and (y/n) is my niece, but nothing is stopping you from asking me things. 

Harry: what do you know.

Lizzie: I do not know who is opening the chamber as of this year. who ever opened the chamber had to be related to Salazar. Was never opened in my year at all. As for where it is I have to figure that out my self. now time for bed. and no if ands or buts

I then lead them back to their common rooms. When they were in bed I went to my room and went to bed. There on my bed was a little snake. I walk up to it and tap it's head. It looked up to me and I knew it was a baskilisk.

snake: you must be Elizaeth.

Lizzie: yes and who might you be.

snake: I am sil a child of Slytherin. something is bad is about to happen he wanted me to tell you to come to the chamber when you can.

I nodded my head Sil yawned. I told her she can stay the night if she wants. SHe agreed and fell back asleep on my bed. I got ready for bed and laid down under the covers. This year is getting worst by the second. I wonder what will happen now. 

The Three Survivors (The Twin Of A Potter Sequel) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora