For some unknown reason I went to hug her but she pushed me away. My heart clenched and I squeezed my eyes closed.

"Not because I missed you doesn't mean I like you or forgive you mayo monkey. " She scolded, casting me one of the dirtiest glare I've ever gotten in my entire life.

What did you expect, for her to run into your arms.

"Kelsey look, I want to apologize for everything." I trailed off and she scoffed st me.

"Apologize for what Luciano?" She moved away from me before taking a seat on the bed in the room.

She looked as beautiful as ever. Her hair in a low bun, neatly snatched at the back of her hair with her baby hairs styled in curvy patterns at the front.

She was gorgeous.

And her dress, it clung unto her body like glue to paper. Her thick sexy leg was exposed a little too much and I cursed at that fucker Vladimir for letting her leave the house like that.

Fucking Vladimir.

I hate the little cocksucker, trying to take her away from me. Lord knows how much he's seduced her into since she'd been there.

He's probably convinced her that he loves her, just like he does all the others he took from me.

I couldn't care less about them but I wanted Kelsey. I needed her.

I've never been so stressed over a woman and this is the first time I've come back for one. I left the rest with him because I didn't give a fuck about them.

But I'd fucking kill for Kelsey.

"For everything Kelsey. I'm sorry for verbally and physically abusing you. I'm sorry for threatening you. I'm sorry for making you feel less than you're worth. I'm sorry for traumatizing you. I'm sorry for putting you in that cell and I'm sorry for purchasing you." I apologized, trying to sound as sincere as I truly felt.

Emotions weren't really my strong end.

"I'm actually not as sorry for purchasing you because if I hadn't that old creep would've and I couldn't let that happen tesoro. Please forgive me." I begged and she narrowed her eyes at me.

I couldn't recognize the series of emotions that flashed through her eyes but I felt my luck had been diminished when her face hardened.

"Why should Luciano? Why should I forgive you?" She stood up and walked towards me with a stoic expression on her face.

I was crumbling.

"I really don't deserve your forgiveness bella. I know that but please..... I'm hoping you'd find a space in your heart to. I really am sorry. I really am." I poured out my heart to her, hoping she'd fine pity in hers.

I was wailing for her sympathy. I cannot let her go like the others. I need her by my side.

A look of sorrow crossed her face and when she spoke, my heart bled.

"You hurt me Luciano." Her voice croaked. "You hurt me so bad."

I sighed in pain and held her hand. She didn't object, she just let me hold it.

"I know bella and I am truly sorry." I whispered, my voice cracking.

She opened her mouth to say something but flinched when someone started banging like a maniac at the door.

"Open this fucking door Luciano. I know you have her in there!" The voice I hated so much yelled.


"Open up you fucking piece of shit!" It yelled again. "Kelsey. Get away from him."

Kelsey looked at me and I shook my head, holding a steady grip on her hand.

"Look at me amore." I stated and she did. "There are things you don't know about Vladimir. Dark things so you need to listen to me."

She flinched again when he began slamming his body against the door like a mad man.

I saw a single tear drop fall from her eye and she stood there frozen.

Swiftly I pulled out my gun and aimed it at the door as Vladimir attempted to break it down.

This is one girl he won't have.

And I will not let him put her in a body bag like he did the others.


Lord have Mercy.

Shit is going down early in the morning.

What the fuck are Vladimir's secrets?

I'm soooooo nervous right now.






-like later today soon 😊

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