"You're absolutely breathtakingly beautiful Alba. Inside and out." She said.

"Even more beautiful than Beyoncé?" I whispered and she chuckled.

"Even more beautiful than Beyoncé." She stroked my cheek. "And I love you so much."

I let out a sob and wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her lips against mine. "I love you too."

Dinah smiled against my lips then pulled away and laid down. My head was on her stomach.

She grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together, laying them next to my chest.


"Yeah?" I whispered and looked up at her. She had her phone pointed to me.

"I love you."

I smiled slightly. "I love you too."

She wiped my cheeks again, getting rid of the final tears. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, then closed my eyes and snuggled into her stomach.

I heard our voices in Dinah's phone. She probably recorded it on snapchat. "Why are you so far down there?" She asked. "Get up here."

I rolled my eyes and laid my head down in the crook of her neck, wrapping my arms tightly around her.

She was on her phone and I heard our voices again. Dinah sighed and put her phone down. "You can come in guys..."

I looked up as the door creaked open and Mila, Lauren, Mani and Ally all shuffled in. I laid my head back down in the crook of Dinah's neck.

"What are you guys doing?" Camila asked softly and crawled on the bed with the rest of the girls.

I shrugged, still feeling a bit down. "Nothing. Just relaxing. Why are you here?" Dinah answered.

They shrugged. "We were wondering if you wanted to do something."


"I don't know. Watch TV?"

"Yeah okay." Dinah said and turned on the barely used screen on the wall. "Family guy re-runs?"

"Oh yay!" Normani said.

All the girls got comfortable with us on Dinah's large bed. I was still in Dinah's arms.

About ten minutes in, I felt someone tap my leg. I looked at the end of the bed at Lauren. "Are you okay?" She whispered. I nodded. "We're trying to make things right. Don't worry." She smiled slightly.

I smiled back and focused back on the TV. I smiled every time Dinah laughed as I felt the vibrations go though her.

I felt my arms loosen around Dinah and my eyelids became heavier.

Dinah kissed my forehead twice. "Go to sleep baby... I'll be right here."

I smiled and raised my hand so it was on her cheek. I directed her face to mine and kissed her lips softly. I then pulled her face away and snuggled more into her neck with her arms safely around me.


"Oh my god! Guys! Look what happened!"

I groaned and opened my eyes to see Camila jumping on the bed.

"What Mila?" Dinah yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Look!" She pushed her phone in our faces which was open on her twitter.

There were tons of photos of a tweet Dinah made which had a picture of us when I was sleeping with dried tears on my face.

'She's the most wonderful human being I know and I love her... Why can't you guys see that? #WeLoveAlba #Alinah'

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