I didn't feel safe around him anymore.

"He's right here." Matt chuckled as he let go of my hand and raised both guns at Luciano who returned the gesture by raising his machine gun.

"Vladimir?" Luciano asked, seemingly a little confused and Matt laughed.


He fucking lied.

I knew his fucking name wasn't Matt. Monkey ass cocksucker.

A number of Luciano's men were now crowding him in defense when his eyes landed on me and a look of concern washed over his face.

"Kelsey." He said sternly. "Get away from him."

Luciano's warning shook me up and so I began slowly moving away.

I failed miserably at that when Matt or 'Vladimir' grabbed me.

"Where do you think you're going pretty flower." He asked holding my neck steady in an elbow grip.

It's like I'm living in a pit full of shit.

A shit pit.

"Vladimir. Let her go." Luciano yelled at him.

I heard a clicking sound and then felt a cold metal pressed to my head.

I can't believe I shared my food with his hungry ass and now he holds a fucking gun to my head.

The caucasity.

Tears began rolling down my cheeks and not one word could leave my mouth.

I felt heartbroken and betrayed.

"Is she yours Luciano?" Vladimir asked and Luciano nodded.

He sniffed my hair and sighed in relief.

The fuck, my head is stink and sweaty.

"Well she's mine now." He deadpanned.

The fuck I am not.

"I bought her so she's mine. Let her go." Luciano ordered but he just scoffed.

"Why don't we let the pretty girl chose huh?" Vladimir stated. "Well, who do you choose Kelsey?"

This bitch literally has a gun to my head and thinks I'm going to choose him.

He's fucking delirious.

"Speak up pretty girl." He whispered against my ear.

"Fuck you!" I spat in disgust. "I tried being kind to you and now you hold a fucking gun to my head big shit."

After all he isn't little so I can't call him a little shit.

I shivered as his warm breath made contact with my skin. "Tsk tsk tsk pretty, such dirty words for a beautiful girl."

I sucked my teeth.

"If you give her to me Luciano I'll leave and we can continue our little party another time." Vladimir smirked at Luciano who seemed to be in deep thought.

"No she mine so fucking hand her over you Russian scumbag!" Luciano shouted at him and Vladimir pushed me forward.

"Pick a side princess." He ordered and I looked from him to Luciano and back.

Why the fuck does Luciano even wants to keep me. He treated me like shit and locked me in that cell.

Vladimir fucking lied to me and held a gun to my head even after I helped him out.

Both of them are fucking trash.

But where would I go. I gotta choose one.

To be honest Luciano doesn't seem so bad at the moment because he wasn't the one holding the gun to my head seconds ago.

I began walking to Luciano.

But he slapped you.

Ahh shit. I started walking back to Vladimir.

He held a gun to your head bitch.

I stopped and started walking towards Luciano again.

This must look like a game of invisible tug or war.

Called you a whore several times.

Fucking hell, I stopped again returning to Vladimir.

But you like Valeria.

I do. I really do like Valeria, she's the first real friend I've had.

Well Luciano it is.

I hung my head low, making my way to him when Vladimir interrupted.

"How about a little motivation, yes?" He snapped his fingers and two men came out with Valeria.

"Vladimir no!" I screamed as they forced her to her knees and held a gun to her head. Her face was bloody as she stared up at me with pleading eyes.

I looked to Luciano who's gaze was shifting from me to Valeria.

Where is Enzo.

"Choose wisely princess." He spoke again and tears prickled at my eyes threatening to escape. "If you don't come with me she'll die."

I stared at Luciano who was now staring back at me as if daring me not to go.

I don't want my friend to die.

"Well pretty baby, it seems you've made your choice." Vladimir announced, his voice sounded a little disappointed but who knows.

He's probably faking it like how he lied and his name.

"Kill her." He commanded and they went to pull the trigger.

"No!" I cried out. "Please. Please don't do it. I'll come with you." I sobbed running to him.

He nodded to the men and they let Valeria go. She ran into Luciano's arms and he embraced her but his eyes never left mine.

Vladimir smirked down at me while taking my hand and leading me to follow him.

I never wanted to leave my friend but if I didn't she'd have been dead.

Sometimes when you love in this case like someone it's best to let them go.

He led me outside as his men covered him and lifted me into a black jeep.

As I sat there heartbroken watching the teardrops falling into my bare thighs I felt a sharp prick on my neck and turned around to see Vladimir with a syringe in his hand.

I became light headed as black dots clouded my vision. I was slowly losing consciousness when he placed my head unto his lap.

"Spi khoroshen'kaya devushka. Nenavizhu videt', kak ty plachesh." He cooed into my ear.
[Sleep pretty girl. I hate to see you cry]

I felt his big hand wiping the tears from my face as I lost all consciousness.


So Matt 'Vladimir' betrayed us guys 😢😔
These wiggers ain't shit. 😫😭

Fuck you Luciano and fuck you Vladimir my sister shall prosper 😭😭

I knew Matt wasn't the little fucker's name 🤡. Liar liar Vladimir's drawers on fire 🔥





*Again I don't speak theses languages. I'm using Google translate so forgive it's mistakes. 🙈

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