Spooky Day 1) Calix meeting Lucas

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Spooky Day 1 this means Halloween 
Btw: I know it's the 2nd but...I didn't know what to do so, it's going be from the 2nd of October  to the 1st of November. So, yea have fun reading this story
Calix's POV: 
I need to find a fallen angel called Lucas but...I don't know where he is and I kinda don't know why I need to find him, I hope I can find him. I think Rian talked about Lucas both when we where in the hunt and when we came out. So, I go over Rian's hideout and I see him sitting by a fire. 
"Hey Rian." I say, 
He looks at me. 
"Hi Calix, what's up?" He asks, 
"I have a question for you." I say, 
"And that is what exactly?" He asks, 
"You know how you talked about Lucas in the hunt?" I ask, 
"Yes? What about him?" He asks, 
"Do you know where I can find him?" I ask, 
He looks at me with a are you serious face. 
"What?" I ask, 
"I was trapped in the hunt with you and the others. Why would I know where Lucas is? He could be dead by now." He says, 
"True." I say, 
"When are you going to find Lucas?" He asks, 
"Tomorrow...can I stay with you tonight?" I ask, 
"*Sigh* I guess so, but...you can't tell anyone that I'm out here got that?" He asks, 
"Yea." I say. 

Out of Calix's POV: 
It was the next day and Calix was looking for Lucas when he saw a house, he walked over to the house and knocked on the door. A couple of seconds later Lucas came out and looked at Calix. 
"Hello?" Asked Lucas, 
"Are you Lucas?" Asked Calix, 
"Um...yes why?" Asked Lucas, 
"Yay I found you." Said Calix, 
"I'm confused you where looking for me?" Asked Lucas, 
"Yep." Said Calix, 
"Why?" Asked Lucas, 
Calix  shrugged his shoulders. 
"Want to come in?" Asked Lucas, 
"Yes please, it's very cold out here." Said Calix,
"Come on in." Said Lucas. 

When Calix and Lucas entered Lucas's house they sat down on the chairs. 
"So, where are you from I've never seen you before?" Asked Lucas, 
"Long story but...I'm from the hunt." Said Calix, 
"The hunt? The wild hunt?" Asked Lucas, 
"Yea." Said Calix, 
"How are you here? Are you the only one here from the hunt?" Asked Lucas, 
"I can move in and out of the hunt and no I'm not the only one from the hunt." Sad Calix, 
'Does that mean Rian is back?' "Calix I have a question was there a person called Rian in the hunt?" Asked Lucas, 
"Yes why?" Asked Calix, 
"Is he still in the hunt?" Asked Lucas, 
"No...actually yes." Said Calix, 
"Calix did you just lie? Which one is it? No or yes?" Asked Lucas, 
"No he's not in the hunt anymore...he told me not to tell anyone that's he out." Said Calix, 
"I'll just act like I don't know." Said Lucas, 
"Okay, thank you Lucas." Said Calix, 
"No problem Calix, do you want to stay here? Because I know you defiantly don't have a home." Said Lucas,
"Yes please." Said Calix, 
"No problem and why do you only have one wing?" Asked Lucas, 
"It did develop and I'm half angel and vampire." Said Calix, 
"That makes sense wait....'did he just say half angel and vampire? Brandon's child? I wonder if he knows his parents' Calix I have a question do you know who your parents are?" Asked Lucas, 
"No I don't." Said Calix, 
"Okay." Said Lucas, 
"Where can I sleep?" Asked Calix, 
" I'll show you." Said Lucas, 
""Okay." Said Calix. 

That night Calix and Lucas where talking about The Wild Hunt.
"Is it just you?" Asked Calix, 
"Yea but...it was not like this years ago." Said Lucas, 
"What do you mean?" Asked Calix, 
"I had two brothers, I don't know what happened to one but...the other died in my arms. Their names where Brandon and Lucifer aka Micheal. Brandon was killed by one of the wild hunters but...I'm shocked how he didn't go into the place that you and Rian where in." Said Lucas, 
"What was Brandon like?" Asked Calix, 
"He was a edgy fallen but...he was nice as well." Said Lucas, 
"Was bean his?" Asked Calix, 
"Yea now Bean is mine." Said Lucas, 
"Why was the hunt a thing?" Asked Calix, 
"I have no clue Calix, that's what I'm wondering." Said Lucas, 
"Do you miss Brandon?" Asked Calix, 
"Yea I do, I wish I could save his life but...if I did he would be taken by the hunt." Said Lucas, 
"Oh..." Said Calix, 
"Yea...I'm going to go to my room night Calix." Said Lucas getting up trying not to show Calix that he was going to cry, 
"Night." Said Calix. 

Then Lucas went upstairs, had shut his door and went to bed. While Calix was thinking where the questions that he asked where to much for Lucas and he could that bringing up the name of his brother hurt him...
'How do I know that name no one told me about Brandon? Is it because I saw it? Actually...I actually feel like I'm  connected to Lucas more then just a angel like his a family member it could just be me.' Calix thought before he went up to bed. 
Thank you for readying Spooky Day 1, I hope you enjoyed it and I hope your ready for tomorrows Spooky Day 2.  

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