(OOO) Seth's out and in Cal's head

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Thank you to @The_One_French_Fry for suggesting this I hope this is what you wanted.
Warning: Violence and swearing 
Xylo's POV: 
Cal has been acting weird lately, he looks more tired and he get's more ticked off, somethings off about Cal and I want to know what. So, I am on my way to Cal's to see what's up. 
When I get to the Egyptian Pantheon's area I see Cal sitting and just reading a book upside down? You know what? I ain't going to question it, I get closer to Cal to see he is asleep so, I carry him back to his room and put him on his bed. 

A week earlier:
Cal's POV: 
I was just hanging out with my friend Riccarro when he runs off. 
"RICCARRO WAIT!" I shout. 
"Come on then, I want to show you something." He said. 
I groan because a I don't want to get up and b I don't want to chase Riccarro really, but I do and oh I regret it in a couple of hours I really do, when I ACTUALLY catch up to Riccarro he shows me the mirror I look at it terrified. 
"Riccarro DON'T touch it." I say. 
"Why?" He asks. 
"Because that's what's keeping Seth away form us. He is in their so, please-" I say before hearing a smash. 
Then I feel someone in my head and I hear. 
"Hi Cal." 
Shivers go down my spin because I recognize that voice. 
"N-no g-get o-out." I say shacking. 
"How are you?" He said 
"Set get out." I say. 
"Nope, now you are going to my eyes and my ears." He said.
"No." I say. 
"No? I don't remember asking you if you can have any say in this." He said. 
"Not this again." I say. 
"Yes this again but, this time I'm just in your head." He said laughing. 
"So your not going to take over Riccarro this time?" I ask. 
"Nope just your head." He said. 
"Great." I say. 

Out of Cal's POV: 
"Cal?"  Asked Riccarro worried. 
Cal ran away and he went back to the pyramids and went to sleep. 
Cal's head: 
"That's rude Cal." Said Seth echoing in Cal's head. 
"Oh shut up Seth." Said Cal. 
"Wake up then." Said Seth. 
"JUST SHUT UP!" Shouted Cal in his head. 
"WAKE UP THEN!" Shouted Seth. 
"Fine." Said Cal. 

Then Cal woke up with bags under his eyes and he was yawning. When Cal went outside he saw Xylo, Inpu, Magnus and Solis.
"Magnus what are you doing with that knife?" Asked Xylo. 
"Why?" Asked Magnus. 
"You shouldn't question Magnus, just to say." Said Inpu. 
"Okay, then." Said Xylo. 
"Oh hi, Cal." Said Solis. 
"Hi." Said Cal yawning. 
"Hi Cal." Said Magnus, Inpu and Xylo. 
"How are you four?" Asked Cal. 
"We're good thanks for asking, what about you?" Asked Inpu, Magnus, Solis and Xylo. 
"I'm...............alright." Said Cal. 
"I think there will be a trial on today." Said Xylo. 
"Cal ask what trial and is Riccarro going to be there." Said Set. 
"Fine." Said Cal out loud. 
"Cal who are you talking to?" Asked Xylo. 
"Just talking to Khonsu." Said Cal. 
"Okay then." Said Xylo. 
"What's the trial and is Ricarro going to be there?" Asked Cal. 
"It's the trial of Hades and I think Riccarro will be there." Said Xylo. 
"Okay." Said Cal. 

A week later:
Xylo was thinking about Cal because he has been acting odd. Then Xylo entered the Egyptian Pantheon area and that the person he was looking for was asleep on the couch so, he walked over and picked up Cal and took him to his bed and tucked him in.
A couple of hours later Cal woke up and noticed that he was in his room and was a bit confused. 
How did I get into my room?" Cal asked himself. 
A knock at the door took his thought away so, he got up and opened the door to see Xylo at the door. 
"May I come in?" Asked Xylo. 
"Sure." Said Cal. 
Then Xylo came in and sat down on the chair. 
"What's up?" Asked Cal. 
"I should ask you that question. So, what's going on? This isn't the Cal that I know that we all know." Said Xylo. 
Then Cal started to cry and Xylo hugged him and patted his back. A couple of minutes later Cal stopped. 
"Cal what's going on?" Asked Xylo. 
"Seth's back and he's in my head." Said Cal. 
"What and how?" Asked Xylo. 
"Riccarro did it to me he showed me the mirror that we trapped Seth in and he broke it and the next thing I know is that Seth is in my head and I want him out." Said Cal. 
"Of course Riccarro." Said Xylo sighing. 
"Yea, it's not fun and I want him out but I don't know how to get them out." Said Cal. 
"Oh..............where's Riccarro?" Asked Xylo. 
"I think he is with Momiji." Said Cal. 
"Okay let's go and annoy him." Said Xylo. 
"Xylo I will tell Riccarro on my own no offence." Said Cal. 
"Okay good luck. Oh yea he's properly is will Momiji so, good luck." Said Xylo. 
"Of course, I'm guessing at the shrine." Said Cal. 
"Yea properly." Said Xylo. 
"Good bye Xylo." Said Cal. 
"Bye Cal and good luck with Seth." Said Xylo. 
"Thanks." Said Cal. 

When Cal got to the shrine he saw Momiji and Riccarro sitting by the water. Then Cal walked over to them. 
"Hi you two." Said Cal. 
"Hi, momma Cal how are you?" Asked Riccarro. 
"Hi Cal." Said Momiji. 
"I'm a bit annoyed at someone." Said Cal. 
"Who? Why?" Asked Momiji and Riccarro. 
"A certain little red boi sitting next to you Momiji." Said Cal. 
"Oh? Why?" Asked Momiji and Riccarro.
"Who's your dad Riccarro? And what happened a couple of months ago?" Asked Cal. 
"Seth?" Asked Riccarro. 
"You win one hundred dollars." Saud Cal. 
"Yay." Said Riccarro. 
"You don't actually get one hundred dollars." Said Cal. 
"Aw................" Said Riccarro. 
"So is Seth in your head or something?" Asked Momiji. 
"Yes." Said Cal. 

In Cal's head:
"Oh shut up Seth for once." Said Cal. 
"I so, wish that I can kill you but I can't." Said Seth. 
"Oh..............I wish to Seth I wish to." Said Cal. 
"What does that mean?" Asked Seth. 
"Your annoying the hell out of me and I want you just to shut up." Said Cal. 
"Nope." Said Seth.
"Whatever I'm leaving you here to have your time." Said Cal. 
"Cal?" Asked Seth. 
"WHAT!?!" Shouted Cal. 
"Tell Riccarro that he is going to be my host one day." Said Seth. 
"I ain't telling Riccarro that." Said Cal. 
"DO IT!" Shouted Seth. 
"SETH I AM DONE WITH YOU!" Shouted Cal. 

In Cal's head:
Then Cal got up and started to fight Seth, punches and little bit of magic didn't stop Seth, he started to punch Cal way harder and he knocked Cal to the floor. Cal got up and he punched Seth in the chin and he paused time and made a cage in Khonsu's side and trapped Seth in there and vanished him away, so no one can hear him nor see him.

Out of Cal's head:
When Cal came out he never realised that Seth stabbed him with Khonsu's staff so and it was real, he got up and walked all the way over to Momiji's shrine, then he got to the shrine and saw Momiji, Riccarro and Xylo laughing and talking in the house on top of the mountain (I think that's what it is) when he got to the top he collapsed on the floor and was crawling to the door to hear Riccarro say that he doesn't know where Cal was and if he was okay. Then Cal crawled to the door and knocked on it and moved back a bit, Momiji answered the door and saw a very injured Cal on the floor, so she picked him up and took him to the water to heal him, when Riccarro and Xylo saw that Momiji wasn't coming back in but going down the mountain they got up and ran outside and saw Cal in Momiji's hands. 

When they got to the water Cal was very pale and he looked at all three of them. 
"H-he's b-back.....................a-and h-he w-wants R-Riccarro." Said Cal. 
"He wants Riccarro why?" Asked Xylo. 
"H-host I-I g-guess.........." Said Cal passing out. 
"Cal don't go to sleep yet okay?" Asked Xylo. 
Then Cal coughed and blood was coming out of his shirt so, Momiji had to take off his shirt. 
"Can I take off your shirt?" Asked Momiji. 
Cal nodded and he leaned forward so, the shirt could come off. When Momiji took off Cal's shirt she saw two big stab wounds and she started to clean it and this was making Cal sore and he felt the water go into his stab wounds and Cal started to cough because one of the stab wounds was on his right lung. 

A week later:

Cal was walking and thinking what would happen if he gave up when Set stabbed him and he felt him in his head and he just went home because he was still in pain and as well because he was getting sleepy. When Cal got back to his room he saw flowers and two notes: First note is from Riccarro and Xylo. 

Riccarro's letter:
Dear mumma Cal, 

I am so sorry that I let Seth into your head. I feel bad I wish I never touched that stupid mirror, I am happy that you survived and I will never ever do this again I promise you that and if you hate me I completely understand that, I understand if you don't want to talk to me nor see me after what I did. Mumma Cal I feel bad and I with it never happened, but I hope what Momiji did to you helped you. 

I love you mumma Cal, 

P.S: I owe you big time so, come and find me if you need anything and I'll do it. 

Xylo's letter:
 Dear Cal, 

You did a great job, I'm very proud of you and yes Riccarro told me about what happened. Thank you for saving us all, you are deeply appreciated and if you need anything come and talk to me or Riccarro.  I hope you make a quick and full recovery and I'll see you around the camp. 


Then Cal started to tear up. 
"They are my family they care for me." Said Cal. 
Thank you for readying, have a goodnight/day and I'll see you in thw next one. 

Me Trin/Rin talking here, 
Sorry for not uploading anything in a while this and school have been at the top of my list so, that is where uploads have been. But I am back and I'm doing better. And plus I've been writing my MHO story and MHO Fanfic. (I don't know if my MHO story will come onto Wattpad i haven't decided yet)

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