MHO: Chapter 5: Shino goes back to class after a week

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Warning: Talk about surgery

It was a week later and Shino was allowed to leave the first aid center and he was going to his first class in a whole week he was nervous and that's completely understandable, when he arrived to homeroom he saw Shizu sitting at the back of the classroom and Kol sitting at the front. Then Shino sat down next to Kol, he noticed Kol was actually writing notes. 
"Wow your actually writing notes that's a first." Said Shino. 
"I got to, Momkey talked to me about me not writing things down and needing to do it." Said Kol. 
"Momkey?" Asked Shino. 
"My mum she is a monkey." Said Kol. 
"Oh............makes sense." Said Shino. 
"Yea, so how's your head?" Asked Kol. 
"Every now again I get lightheaded and when that does happen I have to do something to help me." Said Shino. 
"And that is what?" asked Kol. 
"I either got to go the First Aid or I have to go to sleep." Said Shino. 
"Shino, do you like anyone?" Asked Kol. 
"Like or like like someone?" Asked Shino. 
"Crush way so, do you?" Asked Kol. 
"Yes and I ain't going to tell you." Said Shino.
"Can I guess?" Asked Kol. 
"Sure." Said Shino. 
"Clover?" Asked Kol. 
"Nope." Said Shino. 
"Rikku?" Asked Kol. 
"No, I see them as a brother." Said Shino 
"Me?" Asked Kol. 
"No, I see you more as a friend not a crush." Said Shino. 
"Okay what about Davis?" Asked Kol. 
"Nope." Said Shino. 
"Blake?" Asked Kol. 
"I see them as a friend so, no." Said Shino. 
"Shizu?" Asked Kol. 
"Nope and oh h*** no." Said Shino. 
"Kiyo?" Asked Kol. 
"No." Said Shino. 
"The only.........person I haven't said is who? Artmis?" Asked Kol. 
"Ding ding ding the winner is Kol let's give him a big prize." Said Shino. 
"So, what do you like about Artmis?" Asked Kol. 
"Well he's sweet, a good fashion designer, caring and funny to be around." Said Shino. 
"So, when you goin to tell him?" Asked Kol. 
"Soon but I don't know when but soon." Said Shino. 
"Alright." Said Kol. 

At the front of the classroom Artmis and Rikku where sitting next to each other. 
"Rikku, can you give this to Kol and tell him to give it to Shino please?" Asked Artmis. 
"Sure, Arty." Said Rikku. 
"Thanks Rikku." Said Artmis passing Rikku the note. 

Then Rikku got up and grabbed the note that Arty wants him to give to Shino. So, he was sneaking to the back of the class to Kol and Shino. When he got to them he tapped Kol on the shoulder. 
"Sh*t, hi Rikku you, scared the heck out of me what's up?" Asked Kol looking at him. 
"Oh sorry." Said Rikku. 
"It's fine so, what's up?" Asked Kol looking at the note in his hand. 
I got a note for Shino, Kol please don't read it." Said Rikku passing the note to Kol who was going to pass it to Shino. 
"Who's it from by chance?" Asked Shino. 
"Arty." Said Rikku. 
"O-okay." Said Shino blushing a bit. 
"So, do you like him?" Asked Rikku. 
"Yea, yea I do." Said Shino. 
"Okay read the note." Said Rikku.
Then Kol passed the note to Shino, he started to read it. 
"Hi Shino, 
It's me Artmis/Arty I was wondering if you where busy? I have something to confess to you, I'll be in our dorm mainly in my room after class so, meet me in my room or knock on my door, it doesn't really matter I just want to tell you something and I don't really want Kol to know about this. So, please keep it between me, you and Rikku. Thank you and I love you as a friend. 
Love from, 
Artmis/Arty Divil. 
Shino went bright red and he was blushing that is why he is bright red. 
"Um...........Do you know what it said Rikku?" Asked Kol. 
"Nope and now I want to know." Said Rikku. 
"Excuse me Rikku? Why are you up the back I thought I put you next to Artmis?" Asked Avian. 
"I-I was j-just asking Shino and Kol something sorry sir." Said Rikku. 
"It's fine, just come back to the front please." Said Avian. 
"Yes, sir sorry." Said Rikku. 
"It's fine Rikku, you don't have to apologize." Said Avian. 

The Shino started to get pain in his arms and legs. Of course Kol noticed something was up. 
"Shino?" Asked Kol concerned. 
"Yea?" Asked Shino with pain in his voice and trying to hold the pain back. 
"You okay?" Asked Kol. 
"A bit of pain that's all." Said Shino. 
"Pain? Where?" Asked Kol. 
Then Kol reached over and touched Shino's arm and Shino groaned. 
"There?" Asked Kol. 
"One of the many places yes." Said Shino. 
"Oh......sorry." Said Kol feeling a bit guilty. 
"It's fine, I'm going to ask to go to the nurse." Said Shino. 
"Okay, see you tomorrow." Said Kol. 
Then Shino's hand went up.  
"Yes Shino?" Asked Avian. 
"May I go to the nurse please I'm in pain?" Asked Shino. 
"Sure." Said Avian. 
"Thank you sir, see you tomorrow." Said Shino getting up and walking out if the classroom. 

When Shino got outside of the classroom his pain felt like it was burning and we was breathing heavy. It was to go to his lungs, he couldn't take it anymore, so he screamed out in pain. Then his legs just gave up on him and he was close to the stairs. He fell to the ground and his head and he was breathing hard and fast. Two pairs of footsteps stopped him from passing out he saw David and Mario looking at him. Shino at this time has blurry vision. 
"Bro? You good?" Asked David. 
"No............." Said Shino laying there and trying not to move his painful body. 
"David let's take him to Venus." Said Mario. 
"Mario you idiot, he needs our assess first." Said David. 
Then David touched Shino's arms and Shino was trying to not scream. 
"Oh.................." Said David letting go. 
Shino was breathing heavy and was letting tears come out of his eyes. 
"We need help." Said Mario. 
"That's true, Mario get Sensei now." Ordered David. 
"Why me? You're the one giving him ore pain." Said Mario. 
"JUST DO IT!" Ordered David. 
"Fine." Said Mario. 

When Mario left David took off his shirt and he had put it under Shino's head.
"Shino what happened?" Asked David. 
"So,.....................sore......................" Said Shino. 
"It's okay Mario is getting Sensei." Said David. 
"Sensei................?" Asked Shino. 
"Oh..........that's mine and Mario homeroom teacher Moodswing, I just call her Sensei." Said David. 
"Okay then................" Said Shino. 
"Database what are doing?" Asked Kowalski waddling after Database. 
"I hear voices." Said Database. 
"Oh..........where?" Asked Kowalski. 
"Near the stairs." Said Database. 

Then Database and Kowalski got to the stairs and saw Shino and David. 
"What happened?" Asked Database running while Kowalski was waddling. 
"I don't know me and Mario found him like this." Said David. 
"Shino?" Asked Kowalski. 
"Pain.................." Said Shino. 
"Where is Mario David?" Asked Kowalski. 
"He's gone to get Sensei." Said David. 
"Sensei? What class are you both from David?" Asked Database. 
"Class 1A and Moodswing is Sensei." Said David. 
"Oh.......makes sense." Said Database. 
"Shino one out of ten how much pain are you in?" Asked Kowalski. 
"Ten's the highest amount pain and one is the lowest amount of pain." Said Database.
"Ten..............." Said Shino. 
"You're going to be in a lot more pain now." said database getting on his knees. 
"What are you going to do?" Asked David. 
"Database...........................?" Asked Shino. 
Then Database picked up Shino. 
"Oh..................that's what you meant." Said David. 
Then Mario finally made it back with Moodswing. 
"Sorry, I was talking to my class. Want me to go and inform Venus?" Asked Moodswing starting to go down the stairs. 
"Yes, Mario and David get back to class." Said Database. 
"Yes, sir." Said David and Mario. 

Then Database was running downstairs with Shino in his hands. When they got to the Medical Centre Venus was holding the door opened so, Database can just come through and he did. Then Database put Shino down and Shino was getting accessed by Venus. 
"Shino's lung is collapsing." Said Venus.
"Oh............" Said Kowalski. 
Then Venus ran off and came in with a breathing tube and a oxygen tank. Contented the breathing tube to the oxygen tank and Venus slowly was putting the breathing tube down Shino's nose to his throat and got ready to get one in his chest. A couple minutes later Venus turned to oxygen tank on and Shino was slowing going to sleep. 
"Shino your mostly going to be in here now." Said Venus. 
Shino nodded then went to sleep. 
"I'll go and inform Artmis and Rikku." Said Database. 
"Okay." Said Venus. 
While Database Venus was going surgery on Shino's chest and got the tube to connect with his lung.  
Thank you for reading have a good day/night :)

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