(Ritvin) Chapter 6: Ritchie getting very ill

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Bit of swearing
It was a Tuesday afternoon  and Brandon could tell that Ritchie wasn't well but Ritchie was hiding it and Brandon didn't want to annoy him. 
"Okay Brandon, what's up you've been starring at me all day?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Honestly how sick do you feel?" Asked Brandon. 
"Not that sick." Said Ritchie. 
"Brother you look pale be honest how sick do you feel? And don't act all tough around me." Said Brandon. 
"I'm fine." Said Ritchie. 
"Stop acting tough around me and Devin we can tell somethings up." Said Brandon. 
"G*d you and Devin worry to much." Said Ritchie. 
Then Ritchie grabbed a arm of the couch. 
"Brother?" Asked Brandon in a worried tone. 
"Call-." Said Ritchie. 
"Call who?" Asked Brandon grabbing Ritchie. 
"LoPho or The Pro-." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay, brother what's going on?" Asked Brandon. 
"Faint and si-." Said Ritchie passing out on Brandon. 
"No no Ritchie stay awake don't go to sleep." Said Brandon. 
Then Ritchie passed out on Brandon and Brandon sat down quickly. 
"KIT!?!" Shouted Brandon. 
Devin came running and saw Ritchie pale and out on Brandon. 
"What do you need Brandon?" Asked Devin worried. 
"Can you get me the communication lacuma that is on my desk please and hurry?" Asked Brandon. 

Then Devin was running to get Brandon's communication lacuma when he saw Lucas in the office cleaning up a bit. 
"I put it in my pocket I was just going to put it on Brandon's self why?" Asked Lucas. 
"I NEED IT!" Shouted Devin. 
Then Lucas took Brandon's communication lacuma out of his pocket and passed it to Devin and Devin was running to Brandon. Then he passed it to Brandon. 
"Thank you." Said Brandon. 
"No problem Lucas had it because he was cleaning your office." Said Devin. 
"It's fine I asked him to." Said Brandon. 
"Okay." Said Devin. 
Then Brandon was calling The Protectors main lacuma and Kay answered it. 
"Hello, Kay speaking." Said Kay. 
"Kay is LoPho around?" Asked Brandon. 
"No not right now why's that and why do you sound panicked?" Asked Kay. 
"Ritchie is very sick and he was hiding it but not that well and now he's out on me." Said Brandon. 
"Want to bring him down?" Asked Kay. 
"Yes and do you know when LoPho's back?" Asked Brandon. 

On Kay's side:
"Yes and do you know when LoPho's back?" Asked Brandon. 
Then LoPho entered the guild with both Jakey and Bryan yelling at each other. 
"And speak of the cat, he's here want to bring Ritchie over and I'll tell LoPho not to get comfy?" Asked Kay. 
"That would be good thank you." Said Brandon.
"No problem want me to say don't get comfy because Ritchie needs your help?" Asked Kay. 
"Yes please and get the medical center prepared for us." Said Brandon. 
"Will do." Said Kay. 
"Thank you." Said Brandon. 
"No problem, see you both soon." Said Kay. 
"Yep." Said Brandon. 

Then Brandon hanged up and Kay was getting the medical center prepared and LoPho was wondering what was up because Kay never does something when he never asked her to do anything. 
"Kay what are you doing?" Asked LoPho. 
"Brandon's coming with a very ill Ritchie so, I'm getting the area prepared for him." Said Kay. 
"What happened?" Asked LoPho. 
"I don't know Brandon never gave me that information." Said Kay. 
"Okay LoPho will get prepared." Said LoPho. 

On Brandon's side:
Brandon was getting himself and Ritchie to go to The Protectors. 
"Devin I need you to do a huge favour." Said Brandon. 
"Want me to tell everyone that you and Ritchie are going to be gone for a bit and tell both Lucas and Lucas that they are in charge while you and Ritchie are away?" Asked Devin. 
"Yes please." Said Brandon. 
"I will." Said Devin. 
"I bet Kit's going to want to come." Said Brandon. 
"Yea most likely." Said Devin. 

Then Brandon went downstairs with Ritchie in his hands and Kit was sitting down. 
"Kit want to come on an adventure?" Asked Brandon. 
"Sure." Said Kit getting up and showing that she's not been eating that much. 
"Kit? Are you starving  yourself?" Asked Brandon worried. 
"Oh? Sh*t." Said Kit. 
"You are aren't you?" Asked Brandon. 
"Yea, I've been like this for about a year." Said Kit. 
"Because of me?" Asked Brandon. 
"Yea and because of Ritchie not letting me have a rest." Said Kit. 
"I'm sorry that he has been doing this to you." Said Brandon. 
"It's fine." Said Kit. 
"Let's go." Said Brandon. 
"Okay." Said Kit. 

Then Brandon was walking over to the boat, he had put Ritchie down and was sailing the boat to The Protectors Island. 
Thank you for reading have a good afternoon/evening, night/morning/midday. I'll see you in the next one bye. 

Rin :)

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