(Davcus) Chapter 12 Brandon being a smiley boi *heart*

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Warning: Bit inappropriate

When Brandon and Lucas came back, Brandon ran into Ritchie. Lucas was a bit behind. 
"Brother?" Asked Ritchie confused. 
"Yes?" Asked Brandon. 
"Are you okay?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I'm more then okay." Said Brandon.
Then Lucas court up with Brandon.
"Ritchie can me and you talk to each other alone please?" Asked Lucas. 
"Sure." Said Ritchie. 
"Lucas?" Asked Brandon. 
"Yes?" Asked Lucas. 
"Never mind." Said Brandon. 
"I won't say if you don't want me to." Said Lucas. 
"Yes please." Said Brandon. 
"I'll just ask him a question." Said Lucas. 

Then Lucas and Ritchie where alone on the other side of the guildhall.
"Okay what's gotten into Brandon ever since Micheal and have been hanging out he has been acting different?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I don't know are you and Brandon gay?" Asked Lucas. 
"Yes, we are gay." Said Ritchie. 
"Oh." Said Lucas. 
"Are you gay?" Asked Ritchie. 
Lucas shook his head. 
"Pansexual." Said Lucas. 
"Oh?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yea..........as you know I'm dating David, I don't like him because of his body or anything like that I like him because of personality. But seeing him naked didn't help that." Said Lucas. 
"Oh?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yes, I've seen him naked." Said Lucas. 
"When?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Year ago." Said Lucas. 
"Oh.........okay sorry for going deep into it." Said Ritchie. 
"I don't mind." Said Lucas. 
"You don't?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Nope." Said Lucas. 
"Who do you think is hotter Brandon or David?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I ain't into their bodies Ritchie." Said Lucas. 
Then David knocked and Lucas answered. 
"Oh........why are you in here?" Asked David. 
"Talking to Ritchie." Said Lucas. 
"Okay." Said David. 
"Yea." Said Lucas. 
"See you back at the house." Said David. 
"Okay bye." Said Lucas. 
"Oh yea Ritchie Brandon wants to see you as soon as possible." Said David. 
"Okay thanks." Said Ritchie. 
"Not a problem." Said David. 

Then Lucas waved Ritchie goodbye and Brandon came in. 
"Your dating a certain shadow boi aren't you?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yes." Said Brandon. 
"Okay." Said Ritchie. 

Lucas's side: 
When Lucas got home David was upstairs reading a book when he heard. 
"Babe." Said Lucas. 
"Upstairs." Said David. 
When Lucas got up stairs he hoped into bed and David was on top of him and was wanting to explore Lucas's mouth. 
"Lucas?" Asked David. 
"Mm?" Answered Lucas. 
"Can I explore your mouth with my mouth please?" Asked David. 
"Sure." Said Lucas. 

Then Lucas opened his mouth and David's tongue went in. a couple of minutes later David took his tongue out and he was kissing Lucas's neck trying to make him moan. 
"Trying to get me to moan huh?" Asked Lucas. 
"Yes, I am." Said David saying that proud. 
"Why do you want me to moan?" Asked Lucas. 
"It's because your moan is cute." Said David. 
"David can you move over please?" Asked Lucas plotting a plan. 
"Sure." Said David. 
Then David moved over and Lucas hoped on top of David. 
"Oh........." Said David realising that he's on the bottom and Lucas is on the top. 
"Hi." Said Lucas smiling. 
"You're going to try and make me moan ain't you?" Asked David. 
Lucas nodded. 
"I can't fight back can I?" Asked David.
Lucas shook his head no. 

Then Lucas was shucking on David's neck and David started to moan but his is softer then Lucas's. A couple of minutes later Lucas was smiling at David. 
"Yes?" Asked David. 
"You're moan is so cute." Said Lucas. 
"You think so?" Asked David leaning forward. 
"Yes, I do." Said Lucas. 
"Thanks." Said David. 
"No problem babe." Said Lucas. 
"Let's go to sleep shall we?" Asked David. 
"What time is it?" Asked Lucas. 
"Four minutes until eleven." Said David. 
"Okay." Said Lucas. 
"Going to sleep?" Asked David. 
"Yea." Said Lucas. 
"Goodnight babe." Said David. 
"Goodnight." Said Lucas. 
Then Lucas gave David a goodnight kiss and David blushed. 
Thank you for reading, have a good day/night. Goodbye

Trin :)

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