(Davcus) Chapter 26: Our Water Boi Get's Kidnaped

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Warning a bit of swearing and violence 
This never happens in the series and I know I say lucuma  and Lucas doesn't have one but...I want to say lucuma 
It was a Thursday morning and it was next years day. Lucas was asleep until...he heard a bang and he woke up with a jump. So, he got back to investigate the bang when he got into the kitchen he saw that David was in the kitchen making something.
"David?" Asked Lucas tired looking over at David, 
"Did I wake you up?" Asked David, 
"Yea, but...it's fine. So, what are doing?" Asked Lucas, 
"Making me and you some breakfast." Said David, 
"Whatcha making?" Asked Lucas,
"I'm cooking pancakes and eggs." Said David, 
"Pancakes yum." Said Lucas, 
"What type of pancakes do you want today?" Asked David, 
"Um...can I have blueberry and chocolate pancakes?" Said Lucas, 
"Yum...that sounds good but...will your belly accept it?" Asked David, 
"I have no kinda." Said Lucas, 
"Want to go and sit down?" Asked David, 
"I should so, yea." Said Lucas walking over to the couch, 
"Okay." Said David. 

Then Lucas sat down on one end of the couch and saw that Brandon leaning forward and getting out of bed, walking slowly over to the couch and he sat down on the couch. 
"How are you feeling?" Asked Lucas, 
"Truthfully I've been way better." Said Brandon, 
"You look better then before just to say." Said Lucas, 
"Thanks but...I still have poison in me." Said Brandon, 
"I have one question, why did it affect you more then Ritchie?" Asked Lucas, 
"I think I received more then Ritchie. Did you notice that Ritchie looked completely fine and on the other hand I've been basically fighting for my life?" Asked Brandon, 
"Yea I noticed that and did have to fight for your own life yesterday. You're super lucky that I was in bed and I saw you struggling to breathe so, I got up and started to give you compressions." Said Lucas, 
"You did?" Asked Brandon, 
"Yes I did." Said Lucas, 
"Thank you." Said Brandon, 
"No problem." Saud Lucas. 

It was lunch time and Lucas was waiting for food to hurry up and get ready to be eaten. 
"Lucas?" Asked David, 
"Yea?" Asked Lucas doing a littl dance, 
"What the h*ll are you doing?" Asked David confused, 
"I'm waiting for food to hurry the f*ck up and cook." said Lucas, 
"Oh? Your hungry?" asked David, 
"Yes yes I am." Said Lucas, 
"Can I ask what are you having?" Asked David, 
"I'm having noodles." Said Lucas, 
"Okay, how are you feeling after breakfast?" Asked David, 
"It did have a little reaction but...I it didn't make me feel like I was going to vomit." Said Lucas, 
"Okay, that's good." Said David, 
"Food." Said Lucas, 
"Want to go and sit down while I wait for your food to cook?" Asked David, 
"No." Said Lucas, 
"Okay, I have never ever seen you like this before." Said David, 
"Not many people have." Said Lucas, 
"I think it's actually really cute." Said David, 
"You do?" Asked Lucas stopping dancing, 
"Yea I do." Said David. 

Then Lucas's food was done and he was walking to the table, when he sat down David sat down next to him. A couple of minutes Lucas done and he was cuddling David. 
"Want to go and cuddle at home?" Asked David, 
"Am I even allowed to go home?" Asked Lucas, 
"True." Said David, 
"You don't know do you?" Asked Lucas, 
"No I don't." Said David. 
A couple minutes later LoPho came in and noticed that Lucas was getting better. 
"LoPho thinks that Lucas can go home now because he is walking and eating again." Said LoPho, 
"Thank you, LoPho and we will be back to visit Brandon." Said Lucas and David, 
"Okay I get that." Said LoPho. 
When they got into the city they were walking to the dock until...Lucas felt a pinch and noticed that a dart was in his arm, he started to feel dizzy. 
"David?" Asked Lucas scared and getting a little bit dizzy. 
He saw that David was on the other side of a ship. 
"I need to fight it it to get to David." Said Lucas. 
Then a hooded figure got behind Lucas and put a mask over his face and Lucas was fighting both the mask and the dart but...the dart made him so weak that he couldn't fight anyone. He looked around to see if there was anything to get David's attention but there wasn't. A couple of minutes later Lucas was out and the person had put him on a boat and started to sail away. 

David's POV: 
I was looking at this one boat while waiting for Lucas to catch up. I was starting to get a bit worried about him because it's been a couple of minutes since I've seen him. I start to go around and ask people if they've seen him. 
"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt your day I was wondering if you've seen a man with darker skin then me, wearing a blue toga, blue pants with a belt and black boots?" I ask, 
"Actually, I have he got taken." She said, 
"What? Which way and who was it?" I ask, 
"I think they sailed away heading towards The Protectors Island I think and I don't know who because I couldn't see the face." She said, 
"Okay thanks." I say, 
"No problem." She said. 

Then I went back to the island to let Ritchie know that I won't be available. 
"Hi." I say, 
"Hello David how are you and where is Lucas?" He asked, 
"He got taken." I say, 
"What happened this time?" He asked, 
"We were looking at boats and I went somewhere else of the area and Lucas was on the side that we where before. I went to look at some fancy boats and we where going to meet up where we where before we spilt up. I started to get bit worried so...I asked people around if they have seen him an this one lady sad that he got taken...she didn't say where and who." I say, 
"do we know where to and who took him?" He asked, 
"All the woman knew is what I said." I say, 
"So, we don't know where exactly where he is?" He asked. 
I shook my head no. 
"Okay, go and get ready I'm coming with you to find Lucas." He says, 
"But...no one else is here and okay." I say. 

Then Brandon walked in. 
"So, where were saying?" He asked in a huge smarta*s tone, 
"Okay, smarta*s." I say, 
"What's going on?" He asks confused, 
"Three words: Lucas kidnapped again." I say, 
"Okay now David why did you call Ritchie smarta*s?" He asked less confused but still confused, 
"Oh...well I said. "But no one here." And then you entered and that smarta*s asked me. "You were saying?" So, that is the complete reason why I called him an smarta*s." I say, 
"Oh...that's my brother he can be a smarta*s at times. So, now lets go and rescue mr Lucas again shall we?" He asks, 
"Yes." I say.

Out of David's POV and onto Lucas's side:
"Wakey wakey water god slayer." Said Eden, 
"Mm." Lucas moved his head and slowly opened his eyes. 
Then Lucas opened his eyes to see Eden looking at him wth a creepy a*s smile.
"Okay, why am I here? And why the h*ll do you have a creepy a*s smile on?" Asked Lucas, 
"I just want to ask you a couple of questions that's all." Said Eden, 
"Wait...where's Devin and why are you like that?" Asked Lucas, 
"Oh...yea Devin doesn't even know that I am here and thanks to Micheal I'm like this." Said Eden, 
"One thing that doesn't make sense how did you know where I was?" Asked Lucas, 
Then Nix came forward in his demon form. 
"I knew something was up with you." Said Lucas, 
"You're a smart boy Lucas." Said Eden, 
"Hi, Lucas I'm Nix the demon. So, you're the one that knew about my secret?" Asked Nix, 
"Yes I ain't that stupid." Said Lucas, 
"So, you know about a man named Abraham am I correct?" Asked Eden, 
"*Sigh* Yes I have sadly met him why?" Asked Lucas, 
"Well good that boy has done the thing that I wanted him to do." Said Eden, 
"What do you mean Eden?" Asked Lucas, 
"Well...me and him are working together you see and he has even me some info about a certain god that is out of control am I right?" Asked Eden, 
"Great fantastic you know about that thing." Said Lucas, 
"Yes I do know about your little god thing." Said Eden, 
"So, what do you want?" Asked Lucas, 
"A taste of Galrin." Said Eden, 
"Why?" Asked Lucas, 
"You don't need to know that Lucas." Said Eden, 
"Did you tell him about we know that he isn't that anyone?" Asked Nix, 
"No thank you for reminding me." Said Eden, 
"No problem." Said Nix, 
"Huh?" Asked Lucas worried, 
"How's your boyfriend?" Asked Eden, 
"*Sigh* Great you know about that." Said Lucas, 
"Yep it's fun to tease someone about their loved ones." Said Eden, 
"You a*shole." Said Lucas, 
"Okay now that's not that nice Lucas." Said Nix, 
"You shut your mouth Nix." Said Lucas, 
"Be nice Lucas." Said Eden, 
"Or else what Eden?" Asked Lucas looking at Eden with sass, 
"Oh...you're really asking me that?" Asked Eden starting to laugh. 

Then Eden grabbed a huge lucuma and was holding it in front of Lucas. 
"Oh...let me guess you're going to put that into me?" Asked Lucas, 
"Yes, but...we are going to do something else to you." Said Nix, 
"And that s?" Asked Lucas, 
"We will wait for the last person to arrive." Said Eden, 
"The last person. I thought it was just going to be just you two." Said Lucas, 
"Yes the last person will be arriving very soon." Said Eden, 
"Yes, he will be." Said Nix, 
"Wait he? All no, I think I know who you are talking about." Said Lucas, 
"Do you want to guess? Or would you like to find out?" Asked Eden, 
"Let me guess is it Abraham?" Asked Lucas, 
"Ding ding give Lucas a prize." Said Nix, 
"When LoPho finds out Nix you will be kicked out of The Protectors." Said Lucas. 
Then Abraham entered the room. 
"Why hello again Lucas." Said Abraham. 
No response.
"Oh...being a pr*ck I see." Said Abraham, 
"Shut up Abraham." Said Lucas, 
"Shall we do the thing?" Asked Eden, 
"One question has he been a nice boy or a bad boy?" Asked Abraham, 
"He's been a bad boy." Said Eden, 
"Then let's get started." Sad Abraham walking over to Lucas. 

A couple of seconds later Abraham has put his hand on Lucas's chest to find where his lucuma was. Lucas started to panic a bit and he gulped. 
"Look Abraham he's scared *laughs*." Said Eden, 
"I'll make this quick then." Said Abraham. 
Then Abraham found it and was gripping Lucas's chest tight, Lucas knew if he didn't do anything he would properly be dead and if he tried to do something the same outcome would properly happen. A couple of seconds later Lucas had an idea so, he made water and splashed it on Abraham's face so the thing could stop. 
"Bad boy Lucas." Said Abraham, 
"Then don't try to take my lacuma out then." Said Lucas. 
Lucas looked around and noticed that Eden wasn't in his sight. 
"Okay? Where did Eden go?" Asked Lucas. 
Then Eden was holding Lucas's arms at the back of the chair. 
"Thank you Eden." Said Abraham, 
"No problem." Said Eden. 
When Abraham got to the part where Lucas interrupted him rudely during this Lucas was fighting back and he kicked Abraham in the leg. A couple of seconds later that didn't matter because Abraham was pulling Lucas's lucuma if he liked it or not and poor Lucas was screaming in pain and he was kicking. Then Abraham pulled Lucas's lucuma out and he was out cold. But...Abraham did put in a new lucuma in him. 
"Good." Said Abraham holding it in his hand. 
"That's big I understand how that hurt." Said Eden, 
"That was fun to watch." Sad Nix, 
"That was fun to help with." Said Eden, 
"It was fun to do and it hurt when he kicks you in the leg as hard as he could." Said Abraham, 
"You good?" Asked Eden, 
"Yea like I said that hurt when he was kicking you in the leg as hard as he could to get me away from him." Said Abraham, 
"Want to untie him and leave him here or leave him tied up and leave him here?" Asked Eden and Nix, 
"Let's leave him tried up." Sad Abraham, 
"Okay." Said Eden and Nix, 
"Let's go." Said Abraham. 

Saturday morning and David was still searching for Lucas it's been two days since he saw him last. He went to The Protectors Island to ask around. 
"Where is Lucas?" Asked David to himself. 
Then LoPho came up to David and saw that he was looking for something 
"Welcome to The Protectors Island how may LoPho help you?" Asked LoPho, 
"Please by chance have any of you seen Lucas? He's been missing for two days and I'm very worried about him." Said David, 
"None of us have seen Lucas but...we will keep an eye out and report to Divines if we have any news on him." Said LoPho, 
"Thank you LoPho that would really help us." Said David, 
"That's what LoPho is here for." Said LoPho, 
"I should go and continue searching for him sorry to cut this shirt LoPho." Said David, 
"No no LoPho understands and LoPho will help as much as LoPho can." Said LoPho, 
"Bye LoPho." Said David, 
"Bye David and come back to the island anytime." said LoPho, 
"Thank you." Said David. 

Ritchie's side: 
Ritchie was going to where him, Flurry and Oakley where kidnapped by Abraham that one time. When he got to where he was kidnapped he saw a lifeless Lucas.
"LUCAS!" Shouted Ritchie running to him. 
When Ritchie got to Lucas he had pulled out his communication lucuma and contacted Brandon. He answered Ritchie. 
"Yes brother?" Asked Brandon, 
"I've found Lucas." Said Ritchie, 
"Is he okay?" Asked Brandon, 
"No, but...I don't know what's wrong." Sad Ritchie,
"I'll send David your way and is he dead?" Asked Brandon, 
"No luckily he isn't dead." Said Ritchie, 
"Okay good." Said Brandon. 

Then Abraham entered and saw Ritchie near Lucas's body. 
"What did you do to him?" Asked Ritchie p*ssed. 
Then Abraham pulled out Lucas's lucuma. 
"Is that?" Asked Ritchie, 
"Yep it is." Said Abraham, 
"What did you do?" Asked Ritchie, 
"*laughs*  took it out of him of course." Said Abraham, 
"Why would you do this to him? He never did anything to you." Said Ritchie, 
"One god is out of the picture now." Said Abraham, 
"What the h*ll is this plan of yours?" Asked Ritchie, 
"Well...It should be kinda clear. I want all of the godslayers gone." Said Abraham, 
"But...this isn't how it has to be." Said Ritchie, 
"At least I never killed him." Said Abraham. 
Ritchie had nothing to say. 
"Oh...got nothing to say huh?" Asked Abraham, 
"You're an dumba*s and I hope you know that." Said Ritchie, 
"Do you really think I care? Well I don't." Said Abraham, 
"Of course you don't care. You're lucky that I can't put you under arrest right now." Said Ritchie, 
"Do you really think it would be smart putting me under arrest if I have both Eden and Nix on my side?" Asked Abraham, 
"When I have some people yes." Said Ritchie, 
"So, you know where I am don't you?" Asked Abraham, 
"Yep." Said Ritchie, 
"Oh? Really?" Asked Eden. 
"Yes if I'm here then yes." Said Ritchie.
Thank you for readying I hope you have a good night/day and I'll see you in the update and the next one.

Trin :)

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