MHO Chapter 1: Jack's Headphone's break

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It was a Monday morning and Jack was running late for his homeroom class, when he got to his class everyone was seated and Avian was doing the role. 
"Is Jack here?" Asked Avian. 
"Yes and I am sorry for being late sir." Said Jack. 
"That's fine please, go and sit down is Kiyo here?" Asked Avian. 
"Yep." Said Kiyo. 
"Rikku?" Asked Avian. 
"Y-yes." Said Rikku. 
"Shino?" Asked Avian. 
"Here." Said Shino. 
"Yuuto?" Asked Avian. 
"H-hi." Saud Yuuto. 
"Now Flex do you prefer Flex or Alexander?" Asked Avian. 
"Flex and here." Said Flex. 
"Okay, Blake?" Asked Avian. 
"I'm here." Said Blake. 
"Clover, Davis, Artmis and Roxi?" Asked Avian. 
"Here." Said Clover, Davis, Artmis and Roxi.
"Okay good today, we will be using our quirks so, we'll have to go outside to use them. 

When class 1B got to the training area everyone was using their quirks besides Jack he was afraid to use his. Then Jack gained some confidence and he was in the air using his quirk then Blake accidentally used her quirk and it hit Jack's headphones so he went down. 
"Jake?" Asked Blake. 
"Huh?" Asked Jack. 
"Are you okay?" Asked Clover, Shizu and Rikku. 
"I can't hear you guys." Said Jack. 
"All no..........." Said Clover and Shizu. 
"Is everything okay over here?" Asked Avian. 
"I accidentally hit Jack with my fire and now he can't hear. I'm so sorry." Said Blake. 
"It's okay he okay?" Asked Avian. 
"I don't know besides, he can't hear us I don't know." Said Blake feeling guilty. 
"Okay, Rikku take Jack to Mario to get his headphones fixed and then to the nurse to see if he is okay." Said Avian. 

Then Rikku put his hand out for Jack to help him to get up. 
"Bye sir, either see you tomorrow or later on today." Said Rikku. 
"See you both tomorrow." Said Avian. 

When Rikku and Jack got to Class 1A's classroom and Rikku went ahead and knocked on the door. 
"So, class what do you think of the seating plan?" Asked Moodswing. 
"Moodswing someone is at the door, may I get it?" Asked Willow. 
"Yes you may Willow and thank you for informing me that someone is at the door." Said Moodswing. 
"Thank you miss." Said Willow. 
Then Willow got up and went to the door and opened it. 
"Yes?" Asked Willow. 
"May I borrow Mario for a second please?" Asked Rikku. 
"I'll as miss." Said Willow. 
"Okay." Said Rikku.
"Miss can some people from class 1B borrow Mario please?" Asked Willow. 
"Why do they need Mario and tell them to come in?" Asked Moodswing. 
"Okay come in." Said Willow holding the door opened for Rikku and Jack. 
Then Rikku tapped on Jack's shoulder and Jack looked at him, Rikku did the follow me sign and Jack started to follow him in.
"So, why do you need to borrow Mario and why are there two of you?" Asked Moodswing.
"Jack needs someone to fix his headphones and there isn't anyone else that can help him. I'm here to help Jack because he can't hear so, I'm here to ask and to translate to Jack kinda." Said Rikku. 
"Oh........that's understandable." Said Moodswing understanding.

Then Jack was starting to stress out a bit because he couldn't hear anything. 
"Miss I think Jack is stressing miss." Said Gracey. 
"I'll help them miss." Said Mario. 
Then Rikku was touching Jack but that was making him more stress because he didn't know who was touching him. 
Rikku remove your hand from Jack you are stressing him out even more." Said Moodswing. 
"Oh.........sorry, miss I will remove my hand from Jack." Said Rikku. removing his hand. 
Then Jack was starting to look pale and he fell over pasted out. 
"Jack?" Asked Rikku worried. 
"Okay, Rikku picked Jack up, Mario you go and fix Jack's headphones. Rikku take Jack to Venus at once." Said Moodswing giving orders. 
"Yes Moodswing." Said Rikku and Mario. 
"Good." Said Moodswing. 

Then Rikku got to the nurses office and knocked on the door and Venus came and opened it and welcomed them in. 
"So, who is this? And how are you going Rikku?" Asked Venus. 
"Hi Venus this is one of my friends Jack and I'm going good." Said Rikku. 
"That's good so, what's the problem?" Asked Venus. 
"He had an panic attack." Said Rikku. 
"Oh?.........Where's his headphones?" Asked Venus. 
"And that's what the panic attack was about." Said Rikku. 
"So, why did he have this panic attack for?" Asked Venus. 
"Well.............Blake accidentally broke his headphones and I think Jack knows it's an accident." Said Rikku. 
"Okay" Said Venus. 

A couple of minutes later Mario was done fixing Jack's headphones and Jack was awake waiting for his headphones. Then Mario came in and knocked on the door, Venus opened it, Mario handed Venus Jack's headphones and Jack had put them on. 
"Jack?" Asked Rikku. 
"That was stressful." Said Jack. 
"So, you can hear us now?" Asked Venus. 
"Yes thank you Mario for fixing them for me I owe you." Said Jack. 
"No problem and you don't owe me anything." Said Mario. 
And the day was all sweet and good

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