(Davcus) Chapter 11: Brandon and Lucas go to GrimeShade

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I make Viper asexual in this because why not and plus I don't really write anyone that is asexual. One section may get people a bit uncomfortable that's it.

It was a warm Friday morning, Brandon was walking to Lucas's house when Brandon got to Lucas's door he knocked on it and Lucas opened his door. 
"Mornin' Brandon what's up?" Asked Lucas stretching. 
"Good morning Lucas, would you like to come to GrimeShade with me?" Asked Brandon. 
"Why?" Asked Lucas leaning against the door. 
"Because I am going to GrimeShade and I was wondering if you want to tag along?" Asked Brandon. 
"So, let me guess your going to tell Micheal about how you feel towards him?" Asked Lucas. 

Brandon's POV: 
"So, let me guess your going to tell Micheal about how you feel towards him?" He asked. 
I blushed bright red and I was shocked how Lucas guessed.
"Well am I right?" He asked. 
"Well.........your right but I don't know if I should or not. What do you think?" I asked. 
"I think you should." He said nodding. 
I sigh a bit. 
"I don't want you in the room when I tell him though." I said. 
"Why not?" He asked looking a bit disappointed. 
"I'm shy when I tell people that I like them and with you there won't help me one bit. So, can you wait outside for me?" I asked. 
He nodded. 
I hugged him. 
"Come on then." He said.
I nod and follow him to the boat. 

Out of Brandon's POV:
When they got onto the boat Brandon was nervous, shy and excited all at the same time. A couple of minutes later they arrived and saw Micheal out the front of GrimeShade talking to Viper. 
"Viper?" Asked Micheal.
"Yo?" Asked Viper. 
"You going on a mission?" Asked Micheal. 
"Nope just thinking of visiting The Protectors to check on Kay and Bryan because of Mario being a over protective brother and asking me to check on them." Said Viper. 
"Going to visit Kay and Bryan huh?" Asked Micheal with a cheeky face. 
"Micheal get your head out of the gutters. I don't like anyone I'm asexual I think love is dumb no offence." Said Viper. 
"I understand that Viper and sorry I completely forgot " Said Micheal.
"Na it's fine but she has rubbed a bit off of me." Said Viper. 
"You could be falling in love with her." Said Micheal. 
"Okay I'm leaving this conversation now because it's getting awkward." Said Viper walking away. 
"Bye Viper say hi to LoPho for me." Said Micheal. 
"You really think that cat would want to talk to me?" Asked Viper.
"You don't know he may." Said Micheal. 
"Yep funny joke Micheal." Said Viper. 

Viper left and both Brandon and Lucas walked up to Micheal. Micheal blushed a bit. 
"Hi you two." Said Micheal. 
"Oh.............god this is going be awkward." Said Lucas in his head. 
"Hi." Said Brandon. 
"Hi." Said Lucas. 
"So, what's up?" Asked Micheal. 
"I'm with this one." Said Lucas pointing at Brandon. 
"I see, so how are you both?" Asked Micheal trying to make it less awkward.
"I'm good you?" Asked Lucas. 
"I'm the same." Said Brandon looking at the floor and holding his hands together. 
"I'm good Lucas thank you for asking and is he shy or something?" Asked Micheal. 
"You can say that." Said Lucas. 
"Would you both like to come in?" Asked Micheal. 
"Yes please." Said Brandon. 
"Sure." Said Lucas. 

When the three of them entered the guild hall Brandon and Micheal went to Micheal's room while Lucas sat down on a chair holding his communication lacrima waiting for a call from Ritchie. A couple of minutes later Ritchie called and Lucas answered. 
"Hello Ritchie." Said Lucas. 
"Hi, how is everything going with the lovers?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I have zero clue, they went to Micheal's room." Said Lucas. 
"Okay, are you feeling lonely?" Asked Ritchie. 
""Not really." Said Lucas. 
"Okay, I have to go but, if either Brandon or Micheal ask you if I have told you anything what do you say?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I'm guessing no." Said Lucas. 
"Correct dee you in a bit." Said Ritchie. 
"Yep see you." Said Lucas. 

Brandon's POV:
When me and him got to his room, he had shut the door and he sat down on his bed so, I joined him. 
"So........?" He asked. 
"Yea?" I asked. 
"Do you like anyone?" He asked. 
I blushed and hid my face into my poncho. 
"Who do you like?" He asked in a soft voice. 
I stayed quiet until he lifted my head looking at his beautiful red eyes.
"I-I l-l-like s-someone i-in t-this g-guild." I said blushing and being a total wreck. 
"You like me don't you?" He asked. 
I didn't know what to do nor say in this situation. 
"Bran do you like me?" He asked. 
I nodded and hid my face again, Micheal lifted back up and...............

Out if Brandon's POV: 
Micheal lifted Brandon's head and kissed him on the lips and Brandon kissed back. Micheal stopped breathe and wanting to explore Brandon's mouth and Micheal laid Brandon down and was sitting on top Brandon. Brandon allowed Micheal to entre his mouth. A couple of minutes later Micheal stopped, got off of Brandon and smiled. 
"I think I should go home sorry Micheal." Said Brandon getting up. 
"It's all goo, before you go do you want to be my boyfriend?" Asked Micheal. 
"Yes." Said Brandon blushing a bit. 
"Bye cutie." Said Micheal. 
Brandon went bright red and Micheal laughed. 

When Brandon went down the stairs Lucas was sitting down waiting for Brandon. Then Lucas got up and saw Brandon's face was bright red. 
"You good there?" Asked Lucas. 
Brandon nodded. 
"Want to head home?" Asked Lucas. 
Brandon nodded again. 
"Okay." Said Lucas.
And that is the end of this chapter, sorry it's so long I just wanted to finish it. Have a good night/day and I'll see you in the next one. Bye :)

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