(MHO) Chapter 16: Artmis sees the gun bullets a night before the assessments

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'This means fake and thinking
Warning: Violence and just in case swearing
It was night when Shino arrived home he opened the door quietly and shut the door. Artmis was in his own world sewing a button up shirt for the dance that is coming up. When Shino got to the stairs he had hit his head on the stairs and this alerted Artmis. 
"Hello?" Asked Artmis,
"All no................." Said Shino,
"Is that you Shino?" Asked Artmis,
Then Rikku opened her door to see Shino in his condition and let out a loud and terrified scream. This alerted Artmis to go and investigate the commotion so, he gently put his things down and was running down the stairs and saw Shino and Rikku. Artmis looked at Shino and understood why Rikku screamed. 
"Hi, hun." Said Shino,
"WHAT HAPPENED!?!" Shouted Artmis concerned,
"Well-." Said Shino getting interrupted by his own legs giving up on him ,
Then Shino's legs gave up on him and Artmis caught him. 
"Shino what happened? Please tell me." Said Artmis  practically begging,
"Ow that hurt." Said Shino,
Artmis looked at the wounds that Shino got somehow and noticed that they where gun shot wounds. 
"WHAT HAPPENED!?!" Shouted Artmis worried and begging him,

Then both Yuki and Shizu let themselves in and saw why poor Rikku screamed her box off. 
"I'll get Venus." Said Yuki,
"Why not?" Asked Yuki,
"Just don't." Said Shino,
"Fine." Said Yuki,

Monday morning and Shino came in limping and Avian noticed this so, he walked over to Shino, saw that Shino was pale. 
"Shino? What's going on?" Asked Avian,
Shino shook his head no and just sat down. 
"Okay then? Let's start class." Said Avian,
"When are we going to do that assessment that you told us about?" Asked Clover,
"That will be today, I'll come and grab you and ask you to do somethings with your powers, teamwork and other individual assessments." Said Avian,
"Alright." Said everyone besides Shino and Kol,

Then Database came to the door, knocked on the door, Shino started to freak out and Avian opened the door. 
"Yes Database how can I help you?" Asked Avian,
"Can I see Shino, Artmis and Kol? I'm going to be assessing them." Said 'Database,'
"Yes you may." Said Avian,
"Okay." Said Database,
"Well the first group will be getting assessed now. So, can Shino, Kol and Artmis pack up and head out with Database please? I'll see you either later on in today's class or in tomorrow's class." Said Avian,

Then Shino got up, limped out of the classroom to wait. When all four of them got to the ground Shino was sensing that this isn't their Database and this Database shouldn't be trusted. 
"Arty, Kol come over here for a sec." Said Shino,
Then both Kol and Artmis came over to Shino. 
"Yea?" Asked Kol and Artmis,
"Don't trust this Database." Said Shino,
"Why?" Asked Artmis,
"Yea why?" Asked Kol,
"This isn't our Database, this Database is the one that shot me, for a bit I thought this Database was our Database but that isn't ours." Said Shino,
"What are you three talking about?" Asked 'Database',
"I have a question for you Database." Said Shino,
"Go ahead." Said 'Database',
'What should I ask him? Ooo I have a perfect question.' Shino thought. 
"How many kids do you have?" Asked Shino,
"I have none." Said 'Database',
'That's not correct he has two children this isn't our Database. I know this because I have met them and they are sweet.' Shino thought. 
Then 'Database' pulled out their gun and shot Shino in the chest as well he shot Artmis and Kol in the arms. A couple of seconds later 'Database' left and Artmis was running to Shino who was holding  the wound so, it stops bleeding. 
"WE NEED HELP!" Shouted Artmis. 
"I'll get someone." Said Kol. 
"HURRY!" Shouted Artmis,

Kol's POV:
I was running all the way back to the classroom and I see Avian teaching the other's about something, but I had to interrupt him, so I knock on the door hard and fast, so I can get Avian's attention and luckily it does he comes running to the door. When he opened it. 
"Yes?" He asks,
"Shino's been shot." I say, 
He looks at me with complete shock and he tells the class to behave and he would be back soon. We run to Artmis and Shino, when we get to them............

Out of Kol's POV:
When both Kol and Avian came back Shino was pinned to the ground by 'Database' and Artmis pinned to the wall by 'Ronin'. Then Avian came.
"Help!" Said Artmis,
"What is going on here?" Asked Avian,
Then Shino clapped his hands together and 'Database' got off, Shino got up and clapped his hands and 'Ronin' dropped Artmis, Shino was starting to pass out.
"Shino, stay with us." Said Avian,
"Avian............." Said Shino looking like his legs where going to give up on him, 
"Artmis catch Shino." Ordered Avian not realizing that Artmis will pass out,
Shino's legs gave up on him and Artmis caught him. 
"Shino?" Asked Artmis, 
"Pain........" Said Shino,
"Avian.........." Said Artmis passing out holding Shino,
"Artmis, stay with me." Said Avian,

Then Artmis passed out and Avian grabbed Shino. 
"Shino, I really hope that Venus isn't sick of you yet." Said Avian,
"Arty?" Asked Shino,
"I'll take him, don't worry." Said Kol,
"Gr." Shino growled. 
"Oh shut it." Said Kol rolling his eyes and picking up Artmis,
"I don't trust you one bit." Said Shino, 
When all four of them got to the medical center, Blake, Database and Ronin where helping out. 
"VENUS!" Shouted Avian,
"Yes?" Asked Venus turning around,
Then Venus turned around, saw Shino, Artmis and Kol bleeding. 
"What happened?" Asked Venus worried,
"Do, you have a room ready for these three?" Asked Avian,
"Yes, come on." Said Venus,

Then Shino, Artmis and Kol where getting treated. 
"What happened?" Asked Venus tending to Shino's wound,
"G-Got s-shot r-really h-hard t-to s-stay a-awake." Said Shino,
"By who?" Asked Venus,
"O-Other D-Database............." Said Shino passing out,
A couple of seconds later Shino passed out. 
"Other Database? Kol what does Shino mean?" Asked Venus,
"There's another Database and we all thought that the Database that came to collect us was our Database until........he started to act odd, we questioned him on how many kids he had and he said non and we all know that's a massive lie because we have met his two girls and they are alright. Then that Database caught on that we started to not trust him so, he decided to pull out a gun and shot Shino in the chest. Both me and Artmis in the arms." Said Kol,
"Oh.........So, you three have been through a bit?" Asked Venus,
"Yea I guess we have." Said Kol,
"Would you like to rest?" Asked Venus,
"That sounds nice." Said Kol slowly laying down,
"Okay, Kol try and get some rest." Said Venus,
"Alright." Said Kol,

A couple of minutes later Venus was done and left them to rest. 
"How are they?" Asked Kowalski worried,
"Kol's fine, Artmis I don't know about and Shino I have no clue if he is going to be mentally okay. The reason behind this is because Shino has been attacked a lot and by double gangers so, I don't know if Shino is going to trust us and I don't know who he will trust." Said Venus,
"Are they all asleep?" Asked Kowalski,
"Yes." Said Venus,
"I hope they will be okay." Said Ronin,
"They will be they are in my hands and we all know how much I will come and check on them Shino has a bandage on his chest and both Kol and Artmis have a bandage on their arms. Honestly I think all three of them are lucky to survive that attack." Said Venus,
"I agree, luckily Avian was able to leave his classroom." Said Ronin and Kowalski. 
"Yes if Avian wasn't able to leave the class, I honestly think all three of them would be dead." Said Venus, 
"Agreed." Said Kowalski and Ronin, 
Thank you for readying,I hope you have a good night/day and I'll see you in the next one. 

Trinity :)

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