(Davcus) Chapter 13: Lucas get's sick again (God dam it Lucas)

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It was a cloudy Sunday morning and Lucas was snoring in his sleep. David knew something was up. 
"Raindrop? You sick?" Asked David. 
Lucas nodded. 
"Okay, stay in bed, I'll go and tell the bosses." Said David. 
"Babe, can I have some pain killers?" Asked Lucas. 
"I don't have any here I'll ask the bosses." Said David. 
"Okay, thanks." Said Lucas. 
"No problem." Said David. 
"Bye." Said Lucas. 
"Bye." Said David. 

Ritchie's and Brandon's side. 
"Mario how may we help you?" Asked Brandon. 
"I was wondering if I can go on a S class mission with a another member from a different guild?" Asked Mario. 
"Nothing says you can't so, you are allowed to go on a S class mission with someone else that isn't in our guild." Said Ritchie. 
"Thank you Brandon and Ritchie." Said Mario. 
"Not a problem." Said Brandon and Ritchie. 
Then David came in without a Lucas. 
"Okay, where's Lucas?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Sick at home." Said David. 
"Geez he must have a weak immune system or something." Said Brandon shocked. 
"Yea Lucas does have a weak immune system." Said David. 
"That makes more sense on why he wears a face mask every now and again." Said Ritchie. 
"Yea, he can still go to the party if he takes pills to help his immune system." Said David. 
"Okay." Said Brandon and Ritchie. 
"Yea, I got to go and check on mr sick water boi." Said David. 
"Have fun." Said Brandon and Ritchie. 
"Bye you two." Said David. 
"Bye David ." Said Ritchie and Brandon. 

When David got home he saw Lucas up and taking his medication. 
"How you feeling?" Asked David. 
"Meh bit better." Said Lucas.
"Want to go back to bed?" Asked David. 
"Not really." Said Lucas. 
"Okay, what do you want to do?" Asked David. 
"Watch a movie." Said Lucas. 
"It has be a Plan film." Said David. 
"What do you mean?" Asked Lucas. 
"A film that Plant can watch." Said David. 
"Oh..........okay." Said Lucas. 
Then they turned on the movie and Lucas was sleeping on David. 
"Goodnight my water boi." Said David. 
Thank you for reading have a good day/night and bye.

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