(Davcas) Chapter 8: Lucas trying to get some rest but no

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Warning: Vomit talk

Sunday morning, Lucas was still asleep until...........Kit dragged Lucas out of bed and he was pissed off. Kit took him to the meeting that they where all having.  Then Lucas and Kit arrived and he sat down pissed off. 
"Hi Lucas, how you feeling today?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I feel like shit Ritchie honestly I do." Said Lucas. 
"Why didn't you stay in bed? We would have let you." Asked Ritchie confused. 
"One word Kit." Said Lucas. 
Kit shook her head no. 
Then David entered  and saw Lucas sitting down on a chair. 
"Feeling any better?" Asked David. 
"No, I want to go back to bed but...........someone dragged me here and here I am." Said Lucas. 
"Who dragged you here and why?" Asked David. 
"This one." Said Lucas pointing at Kit. 
"Kit? Why did you wake him up?" Asked David and Ritchie. 
"I missed seeing him so, I forced him to come to the guild meeting." Said Kit. 

Then David grabbed a seat next to Lucas and Lucas was leaning on David. 
"Hey buddy." Said David. 
"Snowy, I'll be back." Said Lucas looking a bit green and pale. 
"Want me to come?" Asked David. 
"Yea." Said Lucas. 
"Be back sorry." Said David getting up and taking Lucas with him. 
"Alright." Said Brandon and Ritchie. 
When they got to the bathroom David had shut the door behind Lucas and heard him vomiting. 
"You good bud?" Asked David. 
"I want to go home." Said Lucas before vomiting again. 
"Okay, I'll let Ritchie and Brandon know." Said David. 
"Okay." Said Lucas. 
Then David walked over to Brandon and Ritchie. 
"Lucas will be heading home soon, I don't know if I'm going to come back or I'm going to take care of him." Said David. 
"Alright, is Lucas vomiting?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yea, I don't really want him around you guys when he's vomiting because I don't really want you guys to get sick or anything." Said David. 
"Understandable, see you guys tomorrow." Said Brandon. 
"It's all good David do what you have to do." Said Ritchie. 
"Thanks bosses." Said David. 

When David came back he knocked on the door and Lucas flushed the toilet, went over to the sink to wash his hands and opened the door. 
"Ready to go home?" Asked David.
"Ritchie and Brandon know?" Asked Lucas. 
"Yea, come bud let's get you home into a warm bath. Would that sound nice?" Asked David. 
"Yea that would." Said Lucas.

Then David and Lucas walked to David's place and Lucas was getting ready to get into the bath. When the bath was full of warm water Lucas hopped in. 
"Thanks Snowy." Said Lucas. 
"It's fine Droplet." Said David. 
"When I'm done, I'm properly going to go to sleep." Said Lucas. 
"Understandable, I think Brandon and Ritchie are going to come and visit us but I ain't completely sure about that." Said David. 
"Okay." Said Lucas. 
"I'm going to go and check on Plant." Said David. 
"Okay, see you soon." Said Lucas. 
"Bye." Said Lucas. 
Then David had shut the bathroom door and went down the ladder and saw Brandon and Ritchie waiting at the door so, David went to the door and opened it.
"Where's Lucas?" Asked Ritchie. 
"His in the bath." Said David. 
And speak of Lucas he got into his clothes and walked over to them. 
"Oh hi......." Said Lucas. 
"Hi." Said Brandon. 
"Lucas come with us." Said Ritchie. 
"Brother let me say this okay?" Asked Brandon. 
"Fine." Said Ritchie. 
"Can we borrow Lucas please? And David you can come with us. We will be taking him to Micheal and Bri, because me and my brother can tell he is struggling with things." Said Brandon. 
"Sure, where are we going though?" Asked David. 
"GrimeShade." Said Brandon. 
"S-snowy..................." Said Lucas looking like he was going to pass out. 
"Mm?" Asked David. 

Then Lucas fell over and David caught him. 
"Wow wow I'm here." Said David. 
"Sleepy................" Said Lucas. 
"Okay bud, you can sleep." Said David. 
Then Lucas went straight to sleep, David looked up and saw Brandon giving him a hand signal to give Lucas to him, so David got up and passed Lucas to him. 
"Let's take him to my room." Said Brandon. 
"Alright." Said David. 
Brandon lead the way with Lucas in his hands and David followed them, when all three of them got to the twin's room they saw Ritchie, Micheal and Bri talking . 
"Hi, I got him and he is asleep." Said Brandon. 
"Hi again Micheal." Said David. 
"Hi David." Said Micheal. 
And that's the end of this chapter thank you for readying, have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next one.

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