MHO Chapter 3: Shino and Kol get in trouble for sneaking out

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That night it was cold and both Shino and Kol were out and saving people until..............Kowalski saw them out of their dorms and wearing superhero outfits. 
" we need yo go NOW." Said Shino a bit nervous. 
"Why what's the matter?" Asked Kol confused. 
"Um..........the Principal we need to go." Said Shino. 
"Okay." Said  Kol. 
"SHINO AND KOL COME HERE NOW!" Ordered Kowalski. 
"Shino I'm going to abandon you so, bye." Said Kol. 
"Kol you better not or will have a chat." Said Shino. 
"Well then we will be having a little chat then." Said Kol. 
"Kol come on." Said Shino. 
"Nope bye." Said Kol walking away. 
Then Kol left and Shino went to the principal like a good student. 
"Yes sir?" Asked Shino. 
"Why are you both out here?" Asked Kowalski.
"Saving people, sir." Said Shino. 
"Okay you know you have broken a rule right?" Asked Kowalski. 
"No I didn't sir and how did you know that me and Kol where out here?" Asked Shino. 
"Two thing's: Number 1: A student came and told us. And number 2: Security cameras." Said Kowalski. 
"Who was the student?" Asked Shino. 
"Shizu came and found me to inform me and Database that you and Kol where out." Said Kowalski. 
"Wait..............why would Shizu do that to me?" Asked Shino in his head. 
"Now you should be expelled but I won't but if you get caught by another teacher I may have to. Now head back to your dorm." Said Kowalski. 
"Yes sir, but one thing will I get a ticket?" Asked Shino. 
"No not tonight." Said Kowalski. 
"Okay, night sir." Said Shino. 
"Night Shino." Said Kowalski. 

When Shino got back to his dorm Kol called him. 
"How much trouble did you get into?" Asked Kol. 
"Not much, I just got a warning that's all." Said Shino. 
"Okay, well...........Database found me and well...............that didn't go well." Said Kol. 
"Oh............" Said Shino. 
"Yea I got detention for two weeks." Said Kol. 
"Oh..........." Said Shino. 
"How did they know?" Asked Kol. 
" the cameras and Shizu told." Said Shino. 
"Oh............why?" Asked Kol. 
"I don't know I got to go goodnight." Said Shino. 
"Goodnight." Said Kol. 

Then Shino went to sleep.............................and that's the end thank you so much for reading see you all next time for a Mavid fanfic suggestion. Bye :)

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