(MHO) Chapter 11: Shino goes back to school after 3 weeks

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Three weeks later and Shino had the medication that he needed so, he could go back to class that day.
"Thank you so, much for looking after me." Said Shino. 
"All good, Shino here are some crutches because you may be really weak for a while because of the medication." 
"Thank you." Said Shino grabbing the crutches. 

Then Shino and Artmis got onto a buss to get to Monarch Academy, when they got there it was homeroom. 
"Happy we're back?" Asked Artmis. 
"Yea I am and now I understand what the doctor meant." Said Shino. 
"You getting weak?" Asked Artmis. 
"Yea but I want to make it into homeroom." Said Shino. 
"Shino don't push yourself okay?" Asked Artmis. 
"Okay." Said Shino. 
A couple of minutes later Shino and Artmis made it to homeroom and Shino needed to sit down. 
"Arty I need to sit down." Said Shino. 
"Okay." Said Artmis. 
Then Shino sat down on the floor and was resting. 
"Arty thank you." Said Shino. 
No problem, you would do the same exact thing for me." Said Artmis. 
"That is very true." Said Shino. 
"Want to get up?" Asked Artmis. 
"Five more seconds please." Said Shino. 
"Alright." Said Artmis. 

Five more seconds later Shino got up and they both made it to class, Artmis had to knock on the door because the door was looked. So, Avian opened the door and was shocked to see both Shino and Artmis. 
"Hi boys, come on in." Said Avian. 
Then Shino entered after Artmis. Of course both Kol and Kiyo came up to Shino. 
"Back to your seats." Said Avian. 
"Avian shut up." Said Kol. 
"You're very lucky that I ain't Database, he would be pissed." Said Avian. 
"Where did you go?
 Asked Kol. 
"I had to go to the hospital, I was getting really ill." Said Shino. 
"You fine now?" Asked Kol. 
"Still sore and I need to sit down again. This is fun not." Said Shino. 
"Can tell." Said Kol. 
"It's so, temping to call David and say your back." Said Kiyo. 

And speak of the devil David was walking pass and he saw Shino back, he wanted to give Shino a huge hug but he couldn't because he had to go and give a note to Database. He thought who's more important and was like Shino is. So, he turned around and knocked on the door, Avian opened the door. 
"Heya Shino, how are you doing?" Asked David. 
"David." Said Kiyo looking at him. 
"You, so Shino how are you doing?" Asked David a peace symbol. 
"Better then before." Said Shino.
"Sorry Avian, to bother you but do you know where mr Database is? You see I have this note from Moodswing and it's for Database and I don't know where he is." Said David. 
"I think he may be with Venus but I don't know." Said Avian. 
"Okay, so where can I Venus?" Asked David. 
"Either in the teacher's lounge or in the medical center." Said Avian. 
"Alright thank you." Said David. 
"Not a problem." Said Avian. 
"Avian? Can I go to the toilet please?" Asked Shino getting up with crutches in his arms. 
"Yes, you may." Said Avian. 
"Thanks." Said Shino. 

When Shino left the classroom he saw a text from Kol. 
"Tonight we are having a L.O.V.E meeting." Texted Kol. 
"Okay." Texted Shino. 
A couple of minutes later Shino got back to the class and the bell was about to go.
"Shino it's not worth you sitting down." Said Avian. 
"Okay." Said Shino. 
"The bell is about to go." Said Avian. 
And peak of the bell it went. 
"Have a good day class." Said Avian. 

Then everyone left and Shino saw Artmis. 
"Hi hun." Said Shino. 
"Hi, how are you?" Asked Artmis. 
"I'm alright, tonight I won't be able to hang out I'm sorry." Said Shino. 
" Oh all good." Said Artmis. 
"How are you though?" Asked Shino. 
"I'm good." Said Artmis.

That night Shino was with L.O.V.E and Ana was hiding behind the counter. 
"Hi guys." Said Shino. 
"Hi, tonight we are going to be Vigilantes." Said Kol. 
"Um...............I might pass on that one if you don't mind." Said Shino. 
"I don't mind I want you all healed up." Said Kol. 
"Ana? You don't have to hide from me you know that right?" Asked Shino. 
"Y-yes a-and h-hi S-Shino." Said Ana. 
"How are you Ana?" Asked Shino. 
"I-I'm g-good." Said Ana. 
"That's good." Said Shino. 
"Besides Shino who wants to go out?" Asked Kol. 
"M-me." Said Ana.
"Sure." Said Aris and Aurora. 
"Yep." Said Flex.
"So, me, Ana, Aurora, Aris, Colin if he shows up and Flex?" Asked Kol. 
"Yep." said Aris and Aris.
"Okay." Said Kol. 
"I think I'm going to dip guys bye." Said Shino. 
"Bye Shino." Said all of the group. 
Shino had put the crutches on his back and went up the ladder. 
And that is the end of this chapter, thank you for reading have a good day/night bye :)

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