(Micdon) Chapter 8: Brandon wakes up after two weeks after being in a coma thing

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It was two weeks since Brandon and Micheal got kidnapped Ritchie was starting to lose hope on Brandon waking up. It was a Friday night and Ritchie was sitting next to Brandon's bed and he noticed slight movement but he didn't think much of it.  Then Bri walked through the door, when she walked over to Ritchie. 
"So, how is he?" Asked Bri. 
"Slight movement that's all that's happening." Said Ritchie. 
"Alright, are you staring to lose hope?" Asked Bri. 
"On Brandon waking up?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yes are you?" Asked Bri. 
"Yea, a bit but...................I still believe he will wake up. But I don't know when he will." Said Ritchie. 
"That's understandable." Said Bri. 

Saturday morning and Brandon was waking up when no one was awake or around. Then Brandon woke up feeling cold and very confused. 
"Where am I? Why am I cold? Where's Micheal and Ritchie?" Asked Brandon. 
Then Bri came over to check on Brandon and saw that he was awake so, she went over to him and checked on him.
"Hi Brandon how are you?" Asked Bri. 
"I'm alright a bit cold and I'm very confused." Said Brandon. 
"Want to see Ritchie and Micheal?" Asked Bri. 
"Yes please can you call them both?" Asked Brandon. 
"I'll call Ritchie." Said Bri. 
Then Bri pulled her communication lucuma and called Ritchie. 
Ritchie woke up and answered it. 
"Yes?" Asked Ritchie yawning. 
"Guess what?" Asked Bri. 
"What?" Asked Ritchie. 
"You may want to come by The Protectors later on today because he's finally awake." Said Bri. 
"WAIT.................HE'S WHAT!?!" Shouted Ritchie. 
"Awake Ritchie he's awake." Said Bri. 
"I'll be there in a couple." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay." Said Bri. 
Then Bri hopped off of the lucuma. 

Ritchie's side:
Ritchie was just asleep when he heard yelling from David and Mario so, he woke up and went downstairs. When he got downstairs both David and Mario where still yelling at each other while Lucas was holding Plant's ears because both of them where swearing. 
"What's going on between these two?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Well long story short Mario accidentally went through David's garden and stood on four flowers and he got caught by David and that's what's going on. I'm protecting Plant's baby ears so, they don't here the swear words." Said Lucas. 
"Okay." Said Ritchie. 
"You going back to bed?" Asked Lucas. 
"Yea after this." Said Ritchie. 
Then Ritchie casted a lighting spell and both David and Mario stopped and saw the bags under Ritchie's eyes while he walked out of the room and went back upstairs. 
"Sorry." Said David. 
"Sorry." Said Mario. 

Then Ritchie went back into bed and went back to sleep. At 5am he got a call form Bri, he woke up and answered it. 
"Yes?" Asked Ritchie yawning and rubbing his eyes. 
"Guess what?" Asked Bri. 
"What?" Asked Ritchie. 
"You may want to come by The Protectors later on today because he is finally awake." Said Bri. 
"WAIT..............HE'S WHAT!?!" Shouted Ritchie. 
"Awake Ritchie awake." Said Bri. 
"I'll be there in a couple." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay." Said Bri. 
Then Ritchie ran down the stairs and everyone looked at him and noticed he was smiling. 
"Okay why are you smiling after this morning's thing?" Asked David. 
"His he finally awake Ritchie?" Asked Lucas. 
Ritchie nodded. 
"Go then." Said Lucas. 
"Bye." Said Ritchie. 
"Huh?" Asked David. 
"David your a massive dumbass at the moment ain't you?" Asked Lucas. 
"No." Said David. 
"Brandon's awake you idiot." Said Lucas. 
"Oh............" Said David. 

When Ritchie got to the island he ran into the guild hall and saw Brandon sitting up and he hugged Brandon tightly and was crying happy tears. 
"Good morning brother how are you?" Asked Brandon. 
"I'm fine now. G*d you made me so worried littl bro are you okay? Do you remember what happened? Is there anything I can do?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Little bro? Ritchie your older?" Asked Bri. 
"Yep by 10seconds though." Said Brandon in a quiet voice. 
"Are you okay?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Just cold for some reason." Said Brandon. 
"Okay, do you remember what happened exactly when you and mr Micheal got kidnapped?" Asked Ritchie. 
"I don't remember that much all I actually can rmember was me and Micheal went on a walk in thwe city and then getting knocked out by someone then everything goes all over the place. I think I was somewhere with a lot of water and the water tasted odd." Said Brandon. 
"Tasted odd?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yea tasted kinda fruity and kinda sour in the same way." Said Brandon. 
"Oh, okay." Said Ritchie. 
"Where's Micheal and how long have I been out?" Asked Brandon. 
"Knowing Micheal he's properly awake somewhere and you've been out for two weeks." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay, and Ritchie I'm freezing." Said Brandon. 
"Alright, I'll get you something to keep you warm." Said Ritchie. 
"Thanks." Said Brandon. 

Then Ritchie went to get something to keep Brandon warm. While he was gone he was thinking about Brandon because this isn't his normal brother. And Bri was thinking the same. 
"Okay Brandon what's wrong? This isn't you normally." Said Bri. 
"I want my brother here and Micheal to say this." Said Brandon. 
"Okay then." Said Bri. 
Then Ritchie came back with Micheal, Ritchie was holding a blanket and Micheal's mood was  grumpy and sore. He had huge black bags under his eyes, cuts as well as bruises all over his body. Brandon had tears starting to form and Micheal sat down and hugged him. 
"It's fine bud I'm fine your not really." Said Micheal. 
"You know don't you?" Asked Brandon. 
"Yea, I saw them put her in you, now do you want to tell Ritchie or do you want me to?" Asked Micheal. 
"Her who's her?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Is that why I sense a dragonslayer now?" Asked Bri. 
"Yes." Said Brandon and Micheal.
"What?" Asked Ritchie. 
"A certain demon slayer is more then just a demon slayer he is a dragonslayer as well." Said Bri. 
"Yea." Said Micheal. 
"Mm." Said Brandon nodding. 
"Brandon your lucky to survive that." Said LoPho. 
"Huh?" Asked Brandon. 
"e getting a couple of cuts and bruises isn't as bad as getting a different slayer kind put into you. Brandon you are super lucky to survive that, because no one and I mean no one has ever survived what you went through truthy you actually should be dead right now." Said Micheal. 
"It's not true is it?" Asked Brandon with tears forming. 
"It is brother and that's why I have been here a lot." Said Ritchie. 
"And you've been crying as well Ritchie." Said Bri. 
"BRI!" Shouted Ritchie. 
"What?" Asked Bri. 
"Wait...............my older twin by ten seconds was crying because of me?" Asked Brandon. 
"Yes, your the only family I have left that gives a dam about me and plus we are in a different world that isn't Solode." Said Ritchie. 
"Ritchie I won't die for a long time and trust me on that." Said Brandon. 
"I love you brother." Said Ritchie. 
"I love you to." Said Brandon. 
"I love you Brandon." Said Micheal. 
"I love you to Micheal." Said Brandon. 
"Aw.................this is all so cute." Said Bri. 
Then Micheal, Brandon and Ritchie looked at Bri. 
"What?" Asked Bri. 
"So, a bit off topic do you know about anything that has happened to me and Brandon?" Asked Micheal. 
"Nope not a single thing, all I know is that you both got kidnaped. I never went to the guild leaders meeting remember?" Asked Bri.
"Oh yea where were you?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Long story but.................I was visiting Phantom's grave when the meeting was going on." Said Bri. 
"Alright and if you have any questions for me and Micheal please ask." Said Brandon. 
"Okay so, what exactly happened at the Guild leaders meeting? Because I saw Sliver after the meeting he was so, p*ssed and he didn't say why." Said Bri. 
"Me and Brandon are boyfriends now." Said Micheal. 
"Boyfriends? Congrats and oh...............that's why Sliver was saying that okay now I completely understandable." Said Bri. 
"What did Sliver say?" Asked Brandon and Micheal. 
"All he said was. "I'm p*ssed with both Brandon and Micheal at the moment and I don't want to talk about why so don't ask me." I knew something was going on with you three." Said Bri. 
"How?" Asked Brandon and Micheal. 
"Michal you forget that I am in contact with one of your guild members don't you?" Asked Bri. 
"Did Pat say anything?" Asked Micheal. 
"Not as much as Sliver, all Pat said is. "Brandon was acting kinda odd when he asked to see Micheal one night. I thought it was a bit odd how a different guild leader wanted to see Micheal in his room, when came out of the building Brandon was blushing." That's all he said." Said Bri. 
"How close are you with Pat?" Asked Micheal. 
"Not that close, we only hang out when mr Sliver is busy or when Sliver isn't in the mood." Said Bri. 
"So, has he been busy or in a mood?" Asked Brandon. 
"Bit of both, I think all of you need to talk, but I know you hate him and I know he hates you but you all need to talk." Said Bri. 
"Oh.........me and him already had a chat we, are all good." Said Brandon. 
"Truthfully, I ain't going talk to him because how rude he was to me and all I did was help him out." Said Micheal.
"Micheal you can't be like this to everyone you're a guild leader someone in your guild is going to hurt you and your going to act like this to them so, I think you should talk to him. But this is all my opinion." Said Bri. 
"I know you don't to go and talk to but............what happened won't get fixed and if you want I will even com so, you don't feel p*ssed and so you're not alone when your talking to him if you want to do that." Said Brandon. 
"Hun do I have to?" Asked Micheal. 
"Yes, guild leaders have to be in good contact." Said Brandon. 
I hope you enjoyed this part, I'll see you in the next one. Have a good night/day and I'll see you in the next one :).

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