Chapter 3: Going to Devils Tongue to get Oakley Back (Ritvin)

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Slight violence and swearing
It was night and both Brandon and Ritchie where on their way to Devils Tongue. 
" you even know who Oakley is or what he looks like?" Asked Brandon hoping that it isn't Indoles. 
"Not really all I know is that they have the same colour hair as me." Said Ritchie. 
"That means that Indoles is your son great." Said Brandon. 
"Huh?" Asked Ritchie. 
"They definitely have the same hair colour as you. I was kinda wondering if he was your child." Said Brandon. 
"Is that a bad thing?" Asked Ritchie. 
"No and I don't mean this in a rude way." Said Brandon. 
"It's fine." Said Ritchie. 

Then Biblico came out and Ritchie had fire in his eyes. 
"Oh......welcome to Devils Tongue. How may I help you twins today?" Asked Biblico bowing. 
"Where is my son?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Son?" Asked Biblico. 
"Don't you dare play dumb with me Biblico. You TOOK  my SON from Flurry." Said Ritchie. 
Then Indoles came out. 
"Oh.........hi? Biblico who are these two people and what are they doing here?" Asked Indoles confused and concerned. 
"Are you going to tell him Biblico or am I going to have to tell him?" Asked Ritchie pissed. 
"Tell me what?" Asked Indoles confused. 
"Oh..........nothing sweet little Indoles." Said Biblico giving Ritchie a creepy smirk. 
"So, you're not going to tell him? Okay then I will." Said Ritchie.
"Tell me what?" Asked Indoles getting annoyed. 
"So, Indoles do you know what happened to your parents?" Asked Ritchie. 
"They died didn't they? And also why do you have the same colour hair as me?" Asked Indoles confused. 
"They didn't die and you're looking at your dad and uncle." Said Ritchie. 
"But............Biblico told me my parents died, he told me that I had no other family members. Did you lie to me?" Asked Indoles looking at Biblico. 
"No I didn't my sweet Indoles, I would never lie to you I don't know what this man is on about." Said Biblico. 
"You took my SON from Flurry. Why would you have done that? His childhood got taken away from him HOW DARE YOU?" Asked Ritchie. 
"My parents ain't dead and I have a uncle this is so confusing." Said Indoles. 
"Want to go and see/meet your mum?" Asked Ritchie. 
"YES PLEASE! Lead the way." Said Indoles excited. 
"Bye Biblico and don't YOU DARE CROSS MY path or anyone else's path you got me?" Asked Ritchie. 

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