Update & News

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Hi welcome to my update and news. This will be quick so yea. 
Firstly I'm thinking of posting another two Origins fanfics. But I want your input. 
Two I NEED some suggestions please give me some I'm getting board of writing my own. 
I have a puppy and she is so cute so, she is getting a lot of love from me and my family, 
schools back and I don't know how much I will be able to do so, I may only upload on weekends, Thursday's after my last class (Yes I have a free period after P4). I am a yr11 so this year and next year are way more portent. 
  Fanfic's that I'm working on: 
*My Hero Origins (MHO)
*Lucas x David
*Lucas x Mario
*Kit x Brandon
*Origins of Olympus (OOO)
*Micheal x Brandon
*Ritchie x Devin
*Supernatural Origins (SNO) OCTOBER maybe idk yet I have to rewatch it all again  
If any of you want to see anything else please comment below and I'll be happy to do them.
Oh yea question for you all what do you all want to be called? Cause everyone that I read they have for the readers of the stories. 
This is all thank you for reading this and have a great day/night :) 

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