FTO One-shot: Chapter 3 Lucas's god comes out

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When Lucas got to Alandtide he was looking at a shop with stuffy's. He saw a dog, cat, panda and a bunny. Lucas chose the bunny stuffy and walked to the next store and he didn't quite get there because he get's knocked out. A couple of hours later he wakes up. Looks around and sees a person. 
"Who are you?" Asked Lucas. 
"Well wouldn't you like to know Lucas?" Asked Abraham. 
"How do you know my name?" Asked Lucas confused. 
"Don't ask how I know things boi. Now I have a couple of questions for you." Said Abraham. 
"And what happens if I don't answer your questions?" Asked Lucas. 
"Well...........if you don't answer my questions, I will shock you." Said Abraham. 
"Who are you?" Asked Lucas. 
"Oh *laughs* well I'm your worst nightmare right now." Said Abraham. 
"Name? That would be nice." Said Lucas. 
"Fine, I'm mr Abraham." Said Abraham. 
"Oh.........wait...........Micheal talked about you." Said Lucas. 
"That's good so, what has he said about me?" Asked Abraham. 
"I ain't telling you." Said Lucas. 
'Click' Abraham clicked his fingers and it turned on. It made Lucas's body started to feel tight and Lucas was starting to get light headed. Then Abraham stopped.
"How are you feeling?" Asked Abraham. 
"Tight and l-light headed." Said Lucas. 
"That's good." Said Abraham. 
"Let me go." Said Lucas. 
"Nope." Said Abraham. 
"Please." Said Lucas. 

'Click' Abraham clicked his fingers again and this time Lucas started to scream, then Abraham stopped.
"So, what has mr Micheal said about me?" Asked Abraham. 
"I ain't telling you." Said Lucas. 
Fine, I'll ask you something else. But what to ask you? Ah I know how are Tapio and LoPho?" Asked Abraham. 
"Great.........you heard about Tapio." Said Lucas. 
"Yep I do." Said Abraham. 
"Tapio is dead and LoPho...........I don't know how he is." Said Lucas. 
"How about Ritchie and Brandon?" Asked Abraham. 
"I ain't going to tell you." Said Lucas. 
"Why do you have to be difficult?" Asked Abraham. 
"Maybe because I don't want to give you information about my guild mates and the other guilds." Said Lucas. 
"Lucas stop being difficult." Said Abraham. 
"No." Said Lucas. 
"Fine you left me choice." Said Abraham. 
'Click' Abraham clicked his fingers for the last time. This time Lucas passed out because of all of the pressure that the lacuma where putting on his body. 
"Wish he told me more and I should send him back to his guild." Said Abraham. 

Then Abraham walked away to get ready to send Lucas back to Divines Magia until...........he heard 'Lucas' laughing. 
"Wait...........how?" Asked Abraham turning around. 
When Abraham turned around he noticed that 'Lucas' had different colour hair, eyes and he had blue
"Oh...........you have made me come out thank you." Said 'Lucas.'
"Lucas?" Asked Abraham looking at  'Lucas'. 
"Oh..........sweetie I ain't Lucas, I'm Lucas's god Galrin nice to meet you." Said Galrin. 
"Oh...........can you give me any information about Lucas?" Asked Abraham. 
"No thanks mate." Said Galrin. 
"Fine if you won't give me any information about anything, I'll have to keep you here." Said Abraham. 
"If you keep me here I'LL KILL YOU so, I suggest you let me go." Said Galrin. 
"Fine, have fun then." Said Abraham. 
Then Abraham teleported Galrin out of the place and was walking to the guild hall to see the others. 

In Lucas's head:
"Ouch that really hurt." Said Lucas. 
Then Lucas realised where he was and he started to panic. 
"Lucas don't panic, I got you out of there and when we get back to the guild hall. I'll allow you gain full control. I'm just taking you back to the guild and congrats on the baby." Said Galrin. 
"Catch? Where's the catch?" Asked Lucas. 
"No catch, I'm beginning to nice and before you say anything I'll be checking in on you." Said Galrin. 
"Why? Why start now?" Asked Lucas. 
"Me and the other two gods have been talking and they told me to be way more nicer to you or I'll have to kiss them both and I don't like anyone." Said Galrin. 
"Galrin this is a bit sus and different." Said Lucas. 
"Shut it or I'll change my mind." Said Galrin. 
"Fine sorry." Said Lucas. 
"It's fine so, how are you feeling?" Asked Galrin. 
"A bit sore and what the heck was Abraham doing to me?" Asked Lucas. 
"Taking your powers, don't ask me why I don't know. All I know is that he has his own plans that I don't have a clue on." Said Galrin.
"Are we almost back at the guild?" Asked Lucas. 
"Yes." Said Galrin. 
"Galrin do you want the child to get to know you?" Asked Lucas. 
"No thanks, I don't want your child to know about me." Said Galrin. 
"Okay." Said Lucas. 
"We are almost home and I suggest you get some rest." Said Galrin. 
"Alright." Said Lucas. 
"Lucas go to sleep." Said Galrin. 
"I can't sleep." Said Lucas. 
Thank you for reading, have a good night, day or whatever time it is and I'll see you in the next one. 
Trinity :)

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