(Ritvin) Chapter 5: Oakley and Brandon go and visit Ritchie

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It was a cloudy Sunday morning, Oakley and Brandon where on their way to visit Ritchie. When the both of them got to The Protectors, LoPho wasn't there but Kay and Viper where. 
"Oh.......hi Viper and Kay." Said Brandon. 
"Hi Brandon." Said Viper. 
"Hi." Said Kay. 
Then Kay noticed Indoles and went closer to him. 
"Brandon? Who's this?" Asked Kay. 
"This is Indoles my nephew and can you back up your scaring him." Said Brandon. 
"Oh sorry." Said backing up. 
"who's that?" Asked Viper in a pissed off tone. 
"This is Indoles like I said to Kay he is my nephew and can you calm down your scaring the poor boy." Said Brandon. 

Then Indoles started to move his head to see Viper. 
"Uncle he ;looks cool, may I go and talk to him?" Asked Indoles. 
"I'm sorry but no, Ritchie won't be happy if he heard that you were talking to him, no offence at all Viper." Said Brandon. 
"Meh it's fine kinda se to it now." Said Viper. 
"Viper? That's a cool name." Said Indoles. 
"Thanks? Who are you?" Asked Viper. 
"This is Indoles, Ritchie's son and my nephew." Said Brandon. 
"Oh...........that's where you got your blue hair, who's the mum?" Asked Viper. 
"I'll just keep that to myself Viper if you don't mind." Said Brandon. 
"Okay then." Said Viper. 

When they got over to Ritchie he was still out but he wasn't connected anything and he was actually breathing normally. 
"Dad?" Asked Indoles. 
"Sorry, Oakley he must not be ready to wake up just yet." Said Brandon. 
Then Ritchie moved his head over to Brandon and Indoles. 
"Dad?" Asked Indoles with tears starting to form. 
"Want to give him a hug before we go?" Asked Brandon. 
"Yes please." Said Indoles
Then Indoles hugged Ritchie. 
"Dad I love you so, much." Said Indoles walking away. 
"Brother come back soon please I don't know how much more I can handle without you by my side.............I need my older brother." Said Brandon. 

Two weeks later Ritchie opened his eyes for the first time in three weeks. He saw someone coming over to his bed and he leaned forward and got back down. 
"That was stupid wasn't it?" Asked Lucas. 
"Yes and hi Lucas." Said Ritchie. 
"Hi Ritchie, how are you?" Asked Lucas. 
"Sore." Said Ritchie. 
"Understandable, do you remember what happened?" Asked Lucas.
"No and what do you mean?" Asked Ritchie confused. 
"So, you don't remember what happened?" Asked Lucas. 
"No..........." Said Ritchie. 
"Ritchie you almost died." Said Lucas. 
"Wait...........what?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Just look at your chest Ritchie." Said Lucas. 

Then Ritchie took off the blanket and saw his chest all bandaged up. 
"What happened Lucas?" Asked Ritchie worried. 
"You saved your son's life." Said Lucas. 
"Oh..........Lucas?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yes?" Asked Lucas. 
"Please get me my son." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay, I'll grab him and Brandon." Said Lucas. 
"Thanks Lucas." Said Ritchie. 
"No problem." Said Lucas. 

A couple of minutes later Indoles came running in and ran to Ritchie and gave him the biggest hug. 
"Hi buddy where's your uncle?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Uncle is grabbing the other two guild leaders. Dad I was so, worried I didn't want to lose you again." Sad Indoles. 
"Okay and you won't lose me not yet at least." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay, thank you for saving my life but why did you put your life in danger for me?" Asked Oakley. 
"I wanted to have a life with my son and I wanted my son to get to know his mother and father not just his mother. I didn't want Flurry your mother to be depressed." Said Ritchie. 
"Do you love me?" Asked Oakley. 
"Yes I do, why's that?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Did you know that I was your son when we first met?" Asked Oakley. 
"To be completely honest no." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay dad?" Asked Oakley. 
"Yes?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Do you like anyone?" Asked Indoles. 
Then Ritchie blushed bright red to that question. 
"who do you like dad?" Asked Indoles. 
"I won't say just yet and before you ask nope uncle doesn't know." Said Ritchie. 
"Okay." Said Indoles. 

When Devin, Brandon, Allumos and Flurry entered they went to Ritchie's bed and saw Oakley had fallen asleep on Ritchie. 
"Brother you okay?" Asked Brandon. 
"Hurts a bit but.............I would rather comfort him." Said Ritchie. 
"Ritchie I have a question and I need you to be completely with me okay?" Asked Flurry. 
"Go ahead and I will." Said Ritchie. 
"Would you like to share him? So, maybe three weeks with you and three weeks with me. Would you like to do that?" Asked Flurry. 
"Yes please I would love to share him with you. I want to be involved with my son's life." Said Ritchie. 
"Can me and Ritchie have the room please?" Asked Devin. 
"Sure." Said Brandon and Allumos. 
"Want me to take him?" Asked Flurry. 
"Yes please." Said both Ritchie and Devin. 
Then Flurry picked up Oakley and he grabbed his mum. She took him out of the room. 
"I know what you're going to tell him Devin and I am all with it." Said Brandon. 
"Oh........of course you know." Said Devin. 
"Your going to get the talk after I hope you know." Said Brandon. 
"Brandon just go." Said Devin. 
"Fine fine bye brother and Devin." Said Brandon. 

Then Brandon left the room. 
"What's up?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Um........well Eden knows about this and he's making me worried." Said Devin. 
"Oh.............." Said Ritchie. 
"Yea and Brandon doesn't know." Said Devin. 
"I'm the only one who knows ain't I?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Yes." Said Devin. 
"Does Micheal know that Eden knows about this?" Asked Ritchie. 
"Nope." Said Devin. 
"Oh..........." Said Ritchie. 
"Yea." Said Devin. 
Thank you for reading, have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next one :)

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