Chapter 2: (Kandon) Kit coming home to bad news and she tells Ritchie bad news

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A bit of death is talked about but not much.

It was the same day but later on. Kit was on her way home from the The Protectors, when she got home Ritchie was waiting for her arrival. 
"Kit? Are we going to have some money?" Asked Ritchie. 
Kit shook her head no. 
"Oh........and Kit I'm sorry, I killed Tapio but it wasn't my fault it was Inmo's fault." Said Ritchie. 
"Great I lost a friend and now we don't even have the money to fix the island.............THANKS INMO!" Shouted Kit in anger. 
"Kit?" Asked Ritchie. 
"What?" Asked Kit with a tone.
"Do you forgive me?" Asked Ritchie nervous for the answer. 
"Yes I forgive you but........Inmo on the other hand I can't forgive him." Said Kit. 
"Want a certain Brandon to come back?" Asked Ritchie.
"YES I WOULD LOVE HOM TO COME BACK!" Shouted Kit in excitement. 

When everyone got to together Ritchie was sitting down on a chair in front of everyone. 
"What murder?" Asked Inmo pissed. 
"Boy shut your mouth you're the reason why they are shut it." Said Lucas with a bit of sass. 
"Thanks." Said Inmo. 
"Can we shut him up?" Asked Kit getting pissed off. 
"Yes we may shut him up." Said Lucas. 
"But how?" Asked Kit wondering. 
"I'll tell you later." Said Lucas. 
"Okay." Said Kit happy.

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