The alcohol is gonna get me killed because the next words that left my mouth would have never if I was in my right mind.

"Mr Romano." I giggled like a maniac. "Are you going to fuck me with that gun?"

His whole dark features came crashing down. Talk about breaking down walls and smashing in doors.

"Quite the opposite actually." I heard the safety click. "I'm going to shoot you." He grinned and my heart fell to my ass.

Just then he was interrupted.

"Sir, you're food is ready." It was the nice waiter from before.

"Leave it and go." Luciano grumbled staring at him with immense hatred.

Does this man look at everyone like that.

As he set the food down he smiled at me and I winked and blew him a little kiss. He was full on blushing.

I heard Luciano's fist slam down unto the table and the waiter jumped a bit.

"Get the fuck out of here before I kill you little boy."

He scurried off with his head held down.

"Keep testing me and see what happens." I heard Luciano growl at me, but I was too busy looking down at the plates before me.

What the fuck is that shit.

Suddenly my jaw was in his bruising grip as he stared down at me. His face held so much anger it was red. He kinda looked like the devil in that old Santa Claus movie. Ha.

He was rambling about something but my mind wandered off somewhere else.

Do you ever wander if murderers shit.

Like I can't imagine Ted Bundy on a toilet taking a shit. Especially if he's constipated. Or having diarrhea.

Or Luciano.

By the time I realized what was happening, my head was thrown back and I was a cackling mess. I cannot imagine something like that.

He was just staring at me dumbfounded.

He probably thinks I'm crazy.

"What's the problem with you?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry." I simply replied. Can't have him knowing I drank the whole bottle of champagne.

He poured us two glasses of wine and began eating.

Woohoo. More to drink.

I drank about half the glass but stopped, it tastes like shit. I gagged before starting to eat.

Everything was going well other than Luciano's frequent glances at me until my head started spinning.

"Luciano." I squeaked out as I heard a ringing in my left ear.

"What?" He sounded agitated but I saw a look of concern as his eyes met mine.

"I don't fe... feel so good." I choked out, dropping the fork.

"What's wrong?" He wiped his mouth with the napkin.

The room was spinning fast and I felt like I was going to throw up.


I fell....

My face down in the plate of food.

"Fuck." Was the last thing I heard before I passed out.







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