Female Ben x Male reader x Female Albedo

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It was a normall and quiet day at Bellwood.Which imediatly meant wierd for some people.Bene and her childhood friend were sitting at one of the tables of Mr.Smoothie.

Bene:Dude,we should have done this years ago.

Y/N:I know.Whod guess that the little tomboy afraid of clowns I knew would become the hero of the universe.

Bene:Hey,Im not afraid of clowns.Anymore.You may not know this but I had a pretty big chrush on you.

Y/N:Oh.I knew.

Bene:You did?How?

Y/N:First I figured it out on my own because you were never subtle.And after that Gwen told me.So is that chrush still a thing?

She blushed and turned around while scratching the back of her head.

Bene:M-maybe.I need to go to the bathroom.

In a hurry she ran to the Mr.Smoothies bathroom leaving a dust cloud behind her.Soon enough she came back.

Bene:I feel much better now.How about we get something to eat.

Y/N:Sure.What did you have in mind.

Bene:Chilly fries.

Y/N:Why not?I havent had them in a long time.Are we gonna take of your aliens to there or?

Bene:No.I belive it would be better if we walk.

And with that the two of them left for the closest Burger Shack and ordered Benes favourite.Which was a lot.

Bene:You know maybe we should start dating.

At the sound of that Y/N almost choked on his meal.


Bene:Why not?We go so well together and that coversation with chrush.Exuse me but I have to go to the washroom so you can think about it before I come back.

She left leaving Y/N comfused for many reasons.His comfusion only grew when someone placed their hand over his eyes.

???:Guess who.

Y/N:Bene.That was fast.

Bene:Well not really.This fries for someone?

Y/N:Theyre for you.


She sat back down on her seat and started to eat like she hadnt eaten anything all day.

Y/N:Didnt know you were still so hungry.

Bene:What can I say.Sometimes it takes more that a smoothie.

Y/N:And fries.

Then Y/N saw another Bene coming to their table.

Author:(Well refer to the chilly fries Bene as Bene 2 and smoothies Bene as Bene1 for now.)

Bene2:What are you doing here?

Bene1:Whos that?

Y/N:Bene?And Bene?

Bene2:Well since the Appoplexian is out of the bag.

Bene2 took of her hair reivelling it was a wig and that her hair was actually white.She then took off her green contacts showing of her red eyes and took off her shirt with red one underneath.

Bene2:Do you have any idea how easy it is to purchase this shirt?


Y/N:The evil Galvan with the Omnitrix.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now