Turbine x Male Reader

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Scene opens up in an old fashioned courthourse where Turbine,Road Rage and Baron Highway were standing handcuffed before the old judge.

Judge:We finnally cought up to you three.Unfortunetly for you these jury are strongly against you.Unfortunetly for them I received this letter a mere fifteen minutes ago.In short these three arent going to jail.


Judge:Order!Order!The sender has a higher juristiction than me so I cant do anything.

So in the light of the current events I sentence the three of you to freedom.However. Each one of you will get one of the officers to follow your every move.Like a Harris hawk does with Black-tailed jackrabbit.If you three do anything ilegal or desrespectfull during that time,its straight to jail for a lifetime.Proceed.

One of the guards went to the joy riding trio and unlocked their handcuffs.After that they were escourted outside the courthouse where three police cars and their owners were waiting for them.Turbine walked over to the one on the left who had sunglasses.

Y/N:Are you Turbine?

Turbine:Yeah.And who are you?

Y/N:Officer Y/N L/N.Now get in.

She went to the co drivers seat but when she barely opened the car doors Y/N pushed them shut.

Y/N:In the back.

With frustration she followed his orders and sat in the back.She then noticed a large bag on the seat next to drivers and once Y/N sat down she asked:

Turbine:Is that my stuff?Wherere you taking me?

Y/N:Its my travel bag and were going to your house.Once there you wont so much as eat,walk or wash your teeth without my notice.

Turbine:Great.Whats next,a curfew?

Y/N:I was keeing that a surprise but yes.


Timeskip Turbines house

When they got to her home Y/N was lost for words.He saw crime scenes that ere less messy.Clothes on the floor,dead house plants,food delivery boxes,oil,tools,car parts and so on.

Y/N:Wow.Do you even live here?

Turbine:I spend most of my time on the road.Im just shower and sometimes sleep here.

Y/N:Well that changes.You pick up the clothes and Ill take out the garbage.Were cleaning this place up.

Turbine:And thats why I ran away.Do you have to order me around?

Y/N:To a certain amount.Starting tommorow youre begining your new job as per orders of the court.

Turbine:No fair!

Y/N:If youre gonna start a tentrum there will be no dinner.


They cleaned the house as best as they could when Turbine went to have a long hot shower.Once she got out and got dressed upshe saw Y/N making soup in her kitchen.

Turbine:What are you doing?

Y/N:Making dinner.You cant do your job propely on a diet of junk food.Now if youre done sit down.

Turbine found it pointless to argue so she just sat down as Y/N placed a full plate of wegetable soup in front of her.He then brought his plate and sat down.The two ate in worldwide known dinner silence.

Turbine:(This is actually pretty good.)

The dinner continoued in silnce.When they were done Y/N went to wash the dishes and Turbine went to her bedroom with a slight guilt.Who comes to someone eslses house and cleans up,cooks and washes the dishes for them?She layed under the covers of her bed with a strange feeling in her gut.

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