Mrs Fang x Male Werewolf Reader

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Author:(Usually I like to keep the male reader human because it always works out.But considering how her children look like,the change was necessary.Plus it's hinted that their looks are genetic so their father must've been a mutant too.One last thing.Mrs.Fang got her husbands name so her real first and last names are unknown.)

It was a quiet night in a small town in the middle of nowhere.A young woman in her 20s was walking throught the streets in her purple sweater,dark purple dress,glasses and her hair done in a bun.She was walking alone under the lone light of a lamp post when someone jumped out in front of her.

Robber1:Hello there.Nice night for a stroll isnt it?

She got scared and tried to ran in the opposite direction,only to bump into under robber.

Robber2:Going somewhere?

She soon saw that more of them were coming out from the shadows.She was soon surounded.

Robber1:We dont want any trouble.Just give us the money and nobody gets hurt.

He stretched his arm to his side and opened his palm.A long metal chain fell to the floor from the arm it was wrapped around.


His associates burst into laughter for a while before stopping for their boss to speak.

Robber1:Now let's get down to business.

They were closing in on her when a horrifying howl echoed through the night.Everyone looked as the hooded figure,standing atop of the store, jumped down into the alley near them.

Robber1:Nice try kid but it's too early for halloween.Get him boys.

Two of gang members split of from the group to deal with the new victim.They were cracking their knuckles before they got in front of the hooded figure.They smirk to each other and went to punch him in the face.The hooded figure caught both their fist in his hands which were covered in fur with bandages around his wrists.The figure pulled their arms to slam the robbers into each other before tossing them into the walls of the alley.

Robber1:What the?What are you just standing around for?!Get him!

The lead robber grabbed the woman as the rest of them charged at the figure.First attacker aimed his fist at the personss head but they just grabbed it and tossed him into the crowd.Once the narrow alleyway was filled fallen bodies,the hooded figure jumped over them and landed before the lead robber holding the woman.

The hooded figure growled and leaped at them,their arms outstetched.They grabbed the lead robber by his shoulders and forced him to the ground.Woman watched as the hooded person's arms were relling back in the air before coming down at the the lead robber.Others were beggining to climb up to their feet and alerted the hooded person.They jumped of the lead robber and ran at the woman.

They grabbed her and carried her away on their shoulder as the both disappeared in the night.


The person had brought the woman to a abandoned factory at the end of the town.They set her on the ground,still shaking in fear.

???Are you Ok?

Woman:I-I am.Who or what are you?

Ther person just turned away and walked upto a broken window.

???:It doesnt matter.By now those people mustve given up the chase.You can take the stairs to the outside.

Woman was still afraid but felt a strange intrigue towards her mysterious saviour.She could tell he was a male from the sound of his voice.A male but was he a (hu)man.She listened to him and theaded towards the stairs.Before she left the room completly,she saw from a corner that the hooded man made his way to a wall and sat with his back against it,his arms resting on his knees.

Ben10 human girls x male readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora