Mad Ben's female slaves x Male Reader

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Dimension:Mad Ben

Camera travels to the dystopian wasteland that used to be a nice neighborhood.That is,before they showed up.Under Meltruants teaching,the child he mentored grew up to be a tyrant with a unusual australean accent.That child was Ben Tennyson,the ruler of now Benwood.The camera now followed a cloud of dust that,upon closer look,turned out to be a damaged and scrapped together school bus being followed by Mad Bens goons in their vehicle.The driver of the bus was a young adult of twenty or so years,dressed in manner befiting a dystopian future rebel.The rest of the bus was filled to the brim with slaves from a further mining site.

Slave1:Theyre gaining on us!What are we going to do?!

Y/N:Take the wheel.This demands a more personal touch.

They swithced places and Y/N began climbing out the window.He got on top of the bus where a ties up motocycle stood.After climbing on,he cut cut down the rope and let the gravity lower him down.He drove around until he reached the goons.

Y/N:Need and help gentlemen?

Goon1:Thats him,get him!

They started shooting at him and throwing sharp objects but he menaged to avoid all of them.One of them even threw a tin can at him which he caught.

Y/N:You lads are lousy shoothers.Learn from archer fish and aim.Like this.

He threw the can back at them until it bounced of the drivers head and fell under the gass paddle,making them slowly slow down.

Y/N:And now for insurance.

He plucked out three spikes out of his shoulder guard that turned out to be concealed knifes and threw them at the tires.Effectivley imobilizing the goons,he drove back to the still moving bus and knocked on the drivers side of the bus.

Y/N:Follow me,were not far from the nest.

He drove ahead with the bus full of slaves foolowed him.Soon enough they reached a small mountain that looked like a the rock from Lion King movies fell.Y/N never leaving his bike stopped inthe rocks shade when he heard someone ask:

Slave1:What are we doing here?Hiding under a rock wont do us any good.

Y/N:If youre gonna hide under a rock,do it properly.

He hit the wall three times but each one was heard as if he was hitting something metal.One wall began to move like a wave until it was obvious it was a hologram that just went down.After that,he led them through the underground tunnels that led them to a giant underground cavern with its own water and bioluminescent flora.There were other people there that used to be slaves before Y/N rescued them.

Y/N:Youre free now.Theres enough food and water for everyone.Theres no need to fear.

The formers slaves began pouring out of the bus and headed to get acustomed do ther new home.Y/N was watching all of this with a big smile and his hands on his hip when something hit his leg.He looked down to see a small child with a stritched up teddy bear hugging his led.He pette the chiled and smiled at it before it went to look for its mother.

???:Nice job out there.

Y/N turned to see his bulky friend with a darker skin tone and bandages covering most of his face.

Y/N:Thanks F/N.

F/N:But arent you taking it kind of close?Most of Bens mining sites are emty thanks to you.You know what that means,dont you?

Y/N:Yep.Theres just more score left.The big one.

F/N:It means that hes either gonna start looking for them and us,or the slaves will be stretched out all over his sites,doing more works than any one person can.As long as he has that watch and Meltruant guiding him with an enitre army behind them,theres nothing we can do.In case of later scenerio,well be forces doing rescue mission on less than a handfull slaves.Its not worth it.

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