Natalie Alvarez x Male Reader

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Author:(To be honest with you,I kind of went in this one with a blank drawing board.When I picked her,maybe a year or so ago,I had an idea of what to do with her but I didnt write it down and I forgot about it.So lets see if the improvisation will make something of this story.Also,while wiki says she has a husband and kids,theyre never mentioned.She said how the kids were saying:Ben 10!Ben 10!.It was never said that it were her kids,it couldve been a focus group or a petition.)

Scene opened up in the event organization building,just as the Natalie Alvarez stepped inot her bosss office.

Natalie:You called for me?

Boss:Yes,please sit down.

She did as she was told and took a sit across the table from him.While most would be worried in this situation,she was perfectley calm.

Boss:As you know,youve been our best employee for years now.

Natalie:Yes,its been wonderfull ten years.

Boss:Yes but let me finish first.

Natalie:As you wish.

Boss:Youve got quite a lot of vacation days,ignored,shall we say.So we had to make some adjustments.

Natalie:Such as?

Boss:Well,lets say your work hours are devided amongst two people.It would be more legal than missing up on all the days off.

Natalie:I still dont follow.

Boss:Youre getting an assistant.


Boss:Because youre legally obligated to take vacation days.


Boss:Out of town conventions and jobs do not count.So we will bent the rules a bit.As far as the law knows,you dont have an assistant,youre training someone.But the company splits your work hours on both of you with him being closer to a paid intern.

Natalie:But what about my record.

Boss:He wont slow you down in any way.He wouldve gotten the job on the last interview if we had more spots to fill and the other candidate wasnt as...scary.

Natalie:She threatened you?
Boss:No but I dont want to find out what thats like.So you understand I had no choice.Youll like the kid.Hes only few years younger that you but hes eager and has some creative ideas.

Natalie:Do you still have his resume?

Boss:Lost it.Same with this monthss paychecks but dont tell anybody.

Natalie:Youre joking right?
Boss:For all for all intents and purposes,lets say I am.He should arrive at your office shortly.

Natalie:But sir-

Boss:Now,now.We already made contracts and had him sign them.You better go on now.

Hesitating,she got off her seat and left the office.Making her way to her office,her mind began to swarm with questions.

Natalie:(An assistant?How could this be?Is it something I did?Nobody ever complained before?Oh,what will I do?)

She eventually reached her office and stopped in her tracks.Taking a momment to collect her thoughts,she inhaled and sighed.Then she opened her offices doors and entered with the everpresent smile she carried for her clients.

Natalie:Hello there,you must be my new assist...ant.

She froze in her tracks as the man who got out of the seat across her desk turned to her.When she heard he would be younger,she expected a delinquent teen or a acne troubled youth.The man before her was actually handsome.

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