Lucky girl and Gwen Tennyson x Male reader

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It was an typical Autumn day and children were all doing their homework.It was mostly recap of last years topics so it was mostly easy.Except for one boy who was getting help from his friend who he hasnt seen for an entire summer.

Gwen:Now carry this number and multiplye.

Y/N:So the answer is...17?

Gwen:Yes.See,you didnt forgot everything.

Y/N:Thanks for helping me Gwen.

Gwen:No problem.What are friends for?


Young boy muttered under his breath in pain that he couldnt mean something more to her.He could never reach her level but only enjoy this little study sessions of theirs.

Y/N:Its getting late so I should probably go home.Enjoy your weekend.

Gwen:Thanks,you too.

Y/N picked his things and headed home.Last homework had him a bit more comfused so he hadnt even realise how late it was.Still he patiently walked trough dark streets aluminated only by few street lights.And as he walked two figures were following his steps.One of them however had intentions of ill-minded nature.When he turned to an alleyway he was tackled by a hooded man who held a gun to Y/Ns head demanding money.

Robber:Hand over all your money kid!

Y/N:I dont have any,honestly!

Robber:I dont buy it!

He didnt have any money since he only got out of the house to visit a friend few houses away.Thief didnt belive so he just threatened his life.

Robber:Maybe I need to persuade you.

???:Hey!Leave that kid alone.

Both robber and victim look to their right to see a girl dressed in black and purple costume with a talisman hanging from her neck.The gentle night breeze that pushed her purple strings gave her a more heroic look.

Robber:Beat it girlie.I dont have time to talk about ponnies with you.

???:Oh yeah.Then how about this!

The girl charged at the opposite wall only to jump on it and launch herself into the robber.When his body hit the brick wall the fire ecape ladder fell due to vibrations and pinned him to the floor.Couple of seconds later a flower vase from a window fell on his head knocking him unconscious.

Y/N:Woah!Thanks umm...

Small heroine coughed and tried to deepen her voice so the civillian wouldnt recognise her.

???:(Cough)The names Lucky girl.I sugest you go home,its getting late.

She patted his shoulder before disappeared behind the corner of a building.What she didnt observe was that even after he done as he was told he didnt do it without touching his shoulder exactly where she touched it.

When Y/N got home he greeted his parents as always before heading up his room.He searched all possible pictures of Lucky girl on the internet.Once he found the one that captured her beauty in the most prefect manner,he printed it out in full colour.After glancing upon her one more time he hugged it tightly and fell on he bed with a happy sigh.

Y/N:I think Im in love.

Timeskip next morning

Y/N just had breakfast and was enjoying his morning coffie when he heard a knock on the doors.When he opened them,there stood Gwen after finding enough courage to visit his house.

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