Female Ben 10 x male reader Bennette Tenyson(Bene for short)

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Bene's Point Of View

Sigh.So bored.

Gwen:Whats wrong cousin?

Bene:Nothing a bookworm like you would ever understand.

Gwen:Try me.

Scraching the back of my head I decided to tell her.

Bene:Well...I kind of feel lonely.

Gwen:But youre with Grandpa and me all the time.

I knew she wouldnt understand.

Bene:I know but I cant quite explain these feelings.And this situation is making me remember my time with(Childhood crush name).

Gwen:Oooh.Now I see whats going on.



Bene:I do not!

Gwen:Since theres no one to tell your little secret,I dont see why not help you.

Bene:You mean it?

Gwen:Well Im sure the world could use one doofus less.

Author:(In case its unclear she ment that boyfriend would make her act more normal.)

When she used that D word I knew what I had to do.

With a mischievous grin I turn the dial on the omnitrix and transform into my stinky little friend.


Gwen had an expression of pure fear and disgust written on her face.

Gwen:Bene,dont even think about...

Stinkfly:Think about what dweeb?I think you could use healing goo bath.Come here.

I was chasing Gwen all over Rust Bucket until grandpa suddenly stoped.With a sudden stop of the vehicle I crush into the front window on the inside.

Grampa Max:Good Bene,youre ready.Theres a trouble up ahead.

Still dizzy from the hit I pull myself to my feet.Or whatever you call this thins on Stinkfly.I saw an collapsing orphanage and Dr.Animo riding on a giant frog.This is the third time.For a scientist he isnt very creative.

Author:(This next part doesnt have anything to do with Animos real childhood.I just needed a familiar villian to cause a scene in need of a Super alien heroine)

Animo:All this time I thought it was my fault.I never should've taken the blame.It was this orphanage.Here is when the failiures of my life started.And now it will crumble just like my life.

Back in the Rust Bucket.

Stinkfly:I was wondering when hed go nuts.

Gwen:He was already a mad scientist.

Stinkfly:Yeah,but mutant animals and a live T-rex were cool.This is just wrong.

Granpa Max:Bene.

Stinkfly:On it!

I opened the doors of the Rust bucket,because when I broke a window last time granpa took away my games for a week,and flew into the fight.

Stinkfly:Hey mister Animo.

He stopped his rampage on the building to look at me with a very angry face.Wonder,was it my comment or me in general.

Animo:Dockor!Doctor Animo.!

That answers that.

Stinkfly:Did you miss me?

Animo:No.And my little pet wont miss you either.Attack!

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