Female Forever knights x Male Reader

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A man was standing out in a dark street by a lamp post waiting for the bus.Deciding to kill some time he took the newspaper someone left on a bench.

Y/N:"Ben Tennyson saves the day again.Forever knights caught harassing an innocent family."Tsk,they just keeping taking it further and further.When I was little only people playing knights were in their backyards.

It was long after he finished his sentence that a bag was thrown over his head.

Y/N:Hey!Who is that?!Let me me go!

After some squirming and thrashing hus kinappers delivered a blow to his head,just enough to knock him out.Soon his trashing limbs go limp and the figures taking him into the dark of the night.

Timeskip underground castle

Y/N starts to stir aake but finds his movemnets restricted.He then notices hes chained up to the wall like in a medievel dungeons.His attention then moves on a peron in knights armor sleeping across him in a chair.

Y/N:Huh,where-where am I?

The knight heard him and woke up.

Knight:Hm?Youre awake.Hes awake!

The knight stood up and ran of somewhere else.Oddly enough the knight had a very high and female voice.Y/N thought all the Forever knights were males.Soon enough the knight returned to the cell.And it broguht some friends too.

Knight2:Nice to see youre conscious.

Y/N:What do you want with me?

The knight that spoke to him stepped forward ubt had different armors.The torso was bigger,gautlets were metalic red instead of gray,the helmet had flat spikes pointing backwards and had a statue like face of a woman.

Knight2:Im what you might call,a forever queen.Have you ever noticed that Forever knights are nothing but guys?
Y/N:Kind of,yeah.

Forever queen:They refused to let us in.Turns out theyre nothing but crooks opsessed with stealing alien techonology and chasing little green men.Knight were always a symbol of justice,even if they were all men too.You see before you the first squad of Knights of Infinity.Twenty women fighting to reclaim the knights noble name.

Y/N:But why am I here?
Forever queen:We thought it it would be fair if we inlcudeedd some guys.We wanted to pick someone alone and away from others.Guess everyone was too smart to go outside so late.Everyone except you aparently.

Y/N:I was working overtime and waiting for the bus.And what makes you think Im gonna help you with whatever youre scheiming.

Forever queen:Scheiming?Whos scheiming?We want to honor the memory of true knights remember?We want to be the force of good,not evil.We should probably unchain you now.

Y/N:You think?

The Forever queen clicked her fingers as two knights entered the cell with her and Y/N on her command.Each one unchain one of Y/Ns arms freeing him.

Y/N:Thanks.But weret there actual female knights.

Forever queen:68 but they didnt have the knightly title,and if they did it was through marriage.Now would you be so kind to tell us your name?
Y/N:Y/N,Y/N L/N.And you?

Knight3:How dare you ask the Forever queen of her name?!

Forever queen:Its alright Alexandra.Its only fair.I'm Casandra Parker.Alexandra's my best friend's niece and as one of the first Knights of Infinite she's my lieutenant.So it's natural for her to be protective.From left to right these are:Margaret,Katherine,Clara, Elizabeth,Josephine,Olivia and the one making sure you were safe while you slept is our young recruit,both as a Kight of Infinite and in age,Erica.

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