Sparksville woman x Male Reader

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It was a quiet day is Sparksville.Not manny tourists or accidents after the rebuilding was done.Everything was peacefull until a man on a motorcycle drove into town and leaving a cloud of dust and smoke behind him.He parked in front of a diner,took of his helmet and dismounted before entering.He took a seat at the counter exousted and partially dehydrated as a waitress walked over to him.

Waitress:Can I get you anything.

Y/N:Some water please.

Waitress quickly returned with his glass of and handed him a menu.Y/N finished his water in seconds.

Waitress:Whatll you have?

Y/N:I dont know,how much was the water?

Waitress:Ten dolllars.

Y/N pulled out his wallet and oppened it for only a few coins to fall.

Y/N:I dont think I can pay for it.

Waitress:Well what made you thinky ou can go this far with only that much money?
Y/N:I dont know.It felt like a dream.Something made me quit my old job,buy a Harley despite never riding a motorcycle before and drive off into the desert.

Waitress:Well you still have to pay.Do you have any place to stay?

Y/N:No I just came here.

Waitress:Then how about you work off your debts and I can let you sleep in my guestroom?

Y/N:Really?Youd do that for a stranger?

Waitress:Well,call me crazy but I trust you.You have very kind looking eyes.

Y/N:Thanks.So when do I start?

Wiatress:Right now.

She tossed an apron in his face which surprised him.

Waitress:Your name tag comes tommorow.Which reminds me,Im Heather,you?

Y/N:Y/N L/N.

Heather:Nice to meet you,now go to the back.Theres dishes that needs cleaning.

Y/N:Yes boss.

Y/N qucikly put on his uniform which was for now just a simple light red apron and rushed to the kitchen to earn his stay and money.As he washed,scrubbed and fought the impossible stains,more and more people began to enter the kitchen.

Female customer:Morning Heather.Did you see that cycle parked in front of your diner?

Heather:Yeah,its from my new help.

Female customer:New help you say.Is he a biker or a musician by any chance?

Heather:Dont know.Said he quit his job,bought the ride and drove off.He couldnt even pay a glass of water so hes paying on in diners service.

Female customer:I see.Is he cute?

Heather:Now dont start that again.You had more soulmates,mr. rights and destined loves than we have tourists before the busy season.You get bored of them too fast.

Female customer:Im not a kid you know.

Heather:Then stop acting like one and go on dates with just any pretty face.Now order something before I call your dad.

Female customer:Fine,just coffie.I have to go back soon to restock the Megawatt toys in the souvenirs shop.

Heather:Got it.Hey Y/N,prepare some coffie!

Y/N:Right away!

Y/N was running around the kitchen which he wasnt acustomed to so he had trouble getting around since he didnt knew where were some things.He quickly took the coffie maker with some of the scolding hot coffie driping on his hand as he handed it to Heather.

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