Mazuma x male reader

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Author:(I know Mazumas not a human but she is made to mimmic a human girl that picked Ben for dodgeball in school from episode Arrested development.So I could have either put her into alien or human book.And if you watch her episodes carefully you can see shes smarter than Billy who,without technology,is pretty dumb.)

Billy Billions and Mazuma,mostly Mazuma,were fighting Ben as Armordrillo.Even with enchanced strenght and other enhancments Mazuma got weret up to the task. Armordrillo knocked her hundreds of meters away and when the police came,they arrested Billy and locked him up in a juvie.In the meantime on the other side of Bellwood Y/N was walking back from buying bread to his home.He heard groans of pain and turned to an ally where he saw partially ofline Mazuma on the ground.

Y/N:Miss,are you alright?

He walked closer and saw her upper and lower body were seperated with sparks and wires in between.


With that she closed her eyes and stopped moving compleatly with a powered down sound effect.

Y/N:I better take you home for some repair.

He had set his bread in a bag on the ground and placed the two robot half on his back before picking up the bread and going home.Once there he left the bread on the kitchen table and took Mazuma to his garage.He set her on his work table with an audiable thud which caused a small metal cillindar to fall out of her.When Y/N picked it up he saw the words Repair plans.

Y/N:How convenient.I guess whoever built her isnt as smart as they thought.

Y/N began working on the upper body to turn her on.Maybe that way she could activate some sort of a self repair system.

Y/N:And if this goes here,than the activation module should be riiight around here.

Y/N took of his safety glasses and closed the hatch between her shoulder when he heard a motor buzzing like sound.He neck strainghtened up and her eyes shot open to reveal red eyeballs with four light blue dots in the corners.

Mazuma:Where,where am I?

Y/N:Stay calm.I found you torn apart in an ally and brought you here for repair.

She looked at her severed lover half and then at the wires coming out of her upper body.

Mazuma:Thank you.

Out of nowhere,for some reason her eyes began flashing gold.

Y/N:Is everything OK?

Mazumas point of view(literally)

Screen showed the insides of her eyes targeting Y/N when a gold icon appeared with words Save me!.

Mazuma:I need your assistence.

Y/N:Sure,what do you need.

Mazuma:There is a hatch on the back of my head.Open it up and tell me what you see.

Y/N walked over to her,leaned her head down and opened the hatch.

Y/N:I see wires,flashing light and a gold chip with a big letter B.

Mazuma:T-t-take it o-o-out.

Y/N:Are you sure?


Y/N took out the small golden chip and set it on the table as the gold icon desapeared from Mazumas vision.


Mazuma:Yes.I am eternally gratefull to you.

Y/N:Dont mention it.I was just passing by in the right place at the right moment.

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