UpGwen x Male Reader

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Author:(This is the last alien/Gwen fusion so dont ask for more in comments.)

It was a normal day in the Rust bucket.Grandpa Max wass driving the vehicle that had multitude of alien techno anhancemnets,Ben was playing around the most powerfull fevice in the known multiverse that was on his wrist,Gwen was researching the how to improve upon her magical abilities which he got from her alien grandmother and a withcs spell book while Y/N was reading a comic and imagining how it would be like to turn into humanoid version of animalss future evolutions.Yep,just a normal day for the Tennyson family and their friend.

Max:Everyone OK back there.

Gwen:Yes grandpa.



Max:We should get to that new Space museum in just a few hours.I hope youre as excited as I am.

Ben:Why?Weve already been to space,when we fought Ghostfreak and the watch was gonna destroy the world.Its not like tha museum has anything about aliens.

Gwen:Thats because the rest of the world doesnt know about them doofus.I they knew there would be a problem.

Ben:Bigger problem than your big head doofus.

Y/N:Hey guys,ease up.Remember,no fighting in the Rust bucket if the ACs broken.

Ben:Yeah,yeah.What are you drawing there anyway?

Y/N:Its humanoid future lizard.Able to climb,swim,run on water and spit corosive acid.

Ben:Thatd be an awsome alien.Do you have one with fire or lasers?
Y/N:Well um,no.Stomach acid could get stronger in the future but lasers arent exactly something an organic creture could do.Maybe an artic evolution that can raise its body heat to melt through snow?


Gwen:Dont listen to him Y/N.I enjoy listening to your theories.Who knows?Maybe you end up making a series out of them like Future is Wild.

Y/N:My idea would have less invertebrates.Personally my favourite terrain would be savannah.Guess its because every human came from Africa.

Ben:Ugh,I wish we picked up Sunny for this summer trip.One fun cousin I have and we cant have her here.

Gwen:Well now you have cousin Sunny.It was fun when she made you fall in her mud during the dance.

Y/N:Not so fun when he ripped that expensive suit.

Max:Id rather not remember that incident.

Gwen:How about the one when Ben went Ghostfreak to play a game and get us kicked out of a hotel.I still dream of a real bath.

Ben:Youre not gonna drop that,are you?

Gwen:Does Stinkfly smell like roses?No,I wont drop it.You just made this worse when Karen showed up.

Ben:Can we not talk about her?

Gwen:Ooh,what the matter Ben?Afraid your chrush for her will grew even more?
Ben:I didnt have a chrush on her.

Y/N:Kinda looked like you did.I dont blame you.You always say youre the hero so its natural that you eventually fall for a bad girl.Soon shell learn your weaknesses,your hero-villian banters will go on forever,youll acciently lose her just before the cops show up and shell start pulling her punches.Before you know it,youre gonna get merried.

Y/N and Gwen burst in laughter while Ben growls at the with a blush on his cheeks.He then sees the laptop in front of laughing Gwen and gets an idea that turns that blush into a smirk.He quickly dialed in an alien and pressed the top to turned into Upgrade.Shifting into shapeless goo he slithered his way to the table and asimilated Gwens laptop.As soon as she set her hand on the laptop after laughing,she was in a shock of her life.But not the lethal dose of voltage.

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