Gwenom Tennyson x Male Reader

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Author:(Just so you know,symbiote wont give Gwen Spider-mans powers.Symbiote first bonded with Spidey and that way gave Eddie Brock and all Venoms his powers.)

The tennyson family and a son of their family friend,Y/N were headed to a New York.They heard of an alien was being held in Oscorp Industries labaratory so they wanted to chech it out.There were hundreds of poeple and journalists in the lav to see a black slime sitting in a round glass cage.

Gwen:Wow!Such an advanced lab.

Y/N:I cant wait until we get to genetics part of it.

Ben:Whats so interesting about some old lab?And the alien is just a black goo.

Gwen:Well I think its more interesting than any of yours.Maybe its an entire colony of single cell organisams working as a single entety.

Y/N:Wouldnt that require a lot more complex mental capacity than a single cell organisam can have?

Gwen:Probably but its still intersting to think about it.


Ben:(But I think I know how to make it interesting.)

Ben remembered how they passed a small terrarium with geneticly engeenered spider and got an idea.He sneaked away to a janitors closet and took one string of a cotton mop.He got back to his family while splitting the string into eight peices.He saw how intensly Gwen was listening to the speach Dr.Curt Connor was giving.He sneaked behind Gwen and dropped the string on her head.

Gwen:Aaaah!Get it off!Get it off!

When her shaking shoke off the mop string which gave everyone a notice that it wasnt a spider they started laughing at her.That also included Ben who of course laughed the hardest.Gwen was practically growing red while glaring at him but what nobody noticed was the alien moving it the containment sphere.It climbd up the glass as if drawn to Gwen.The alien began to pulsate on the glass leaving a print of itself on it.

Then it moved to the back of the sphere and made a tiny crack on the glass through which it escaped.The alien began to ooze towards the entrance of the building where the Tennysons and Y/N were heading.It stoped in front of her when she steped on it and pulled it off the ground like a gum.Without her noticing that the black goo melted into her skin.Since it was late Max had found a hotel to sleep in hotel.Max and Ben took one and Gwen and Y/N took another two bed room.

Gwen:Good night Y/N.

Y/N:Goodnight Gwen.

When the lights went out and everyone went to sleep,Gwen started to feel weird.She was standing in a dark gray,almost black space.She turned to every side imaginable but couldnt find an exit.

Gwen:Hello?Is anyone there?Y/N?Granpa?...Ben?

She then saw a shadowy shilouette running away.

Gwen:Hey,come back!

The person just kept on running while Gwen followed them.Out of nowhere,olympic obstackles appeared in front of the person and they cartwheeled over them while still running before they desapeared all together.Gwen stopped in her tracks comfused before she heard cheering.

It was the same shilouettestanding on a stage in front of a cheering mass with a graduation hat on.The scene desapered and the shilouette materialized itself in front of Gwen through black tendrils,before gaining a sold form.

Gwen:Who are you?

Black ooze started to crawl of the person.It wore white pants and blue shirt just like Gwens.The face was last to revealed itself,but when it did itwas obvious that the person was slightly taller,with shoulder lenght hair and make up wearing Gwen.

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