Anniversary #1

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Author:(Good morning,day,afternoon,evening and so forth.I'm glad to see how much I progressed.It was on this day exactly a year ago that I first joined wattpad and became one of it's authors.I belive I first saw this site back in elementary school and was quickly amazed by it's potential.I wrote few stories but they were clearly too short.In time they grew to what you know now.Since there are some authors that put just one chapter and nothing else for several months,not including BIOs and harems,I thought that I should first write several chapters.First I published each day and when I ran out of stories in this book began publishing the alien book.

My plan was once I publish all stories that were ready,I'd start publishing the other book and started to write again.After a while I was writing three stories during a week and would publish human stories each Friday and Saturday and one alien story on Sunday.Eventually there just wasn't enough time for such an arangment so I started to publish just one story from each book on Saturday and Sunday.

I started the Evolution hunt book because I wanted to write something with more cartoon series appeal instead of just oneshots.There were several factors why I stopped.To make chapter as long as a episode I needed to write for about a month during school,in the last years of highscool there just wasn't enough time,I wasn't ready to write a series and the number of views rised during a very long and slow process with absolutley no comments or wotes.That's why I thought no one was interested and there's the fact that I'm an "Inspiration Author".

Don't know if it's a real term or just my own little thing.It essentily means that after I watch something,movie,cartoon and such,I want to write something with a similar mindset.After watching complete Transformers Prime series I wanted to write about a series with two alien races that resemble Earth animals that are natural enemies.Eventually a new female bad guy would appear,famous for her cruelty.

After she cought and interogated the human friend of the good guys he fainted in pain.After the good aliens would rescue him,he'd reveal that he faked fainting from pain which insulted her since she prides herself on her lifethreatening interogation techniques.Eventually she became depressed and followed that human boy in a human disguise.But I can't write about every idea I get.

What to say else,what to say?I guess these stories were a great exercise for my english since it's not my native language.But I was best in my entire class when it comes to english.I suppose it helped that I watched english crime series like Cis but mostly NCIS before I even learned to read.That was probably the reason why my thoughts are in english for about 98% of time.

During the last year of highscool I was hoping that I could reach at least 100 followers before my birthday but I manged to get more than that long before.One new follower even on my birthday if you can imagine the odds.

If someone was wondering about the Rules chapter,they are in effect in all my books.Especially that if there are swear words which I do not allow,they will be replaced with a TV sound effect (peep).Just in case a big number of my followers wants me to write about some of the newer cartoon series,so I don't have to constanly change the text and personalities of characters.

But I'm sure there a long way until that.

What else is there to say but the fact you've been a great support.And any gramatic mistakes are due to me typing fast not that I'm unfamiliar with the english grammer.Thanks to all of my followers and have a great rest of the summer..

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